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Articles, tagged with "physical presence", page 1

09th September 2011

From Vintage to the Freshly New

People like me who have decided to become parents in this lifetime, must be aware of the responsibility that creating another human being from our own energy entails. Often times we are completely ignorant of the habits and behavior patterns that we trans...

22nd February 2011

Conference Call Providers - Eradicating the Barriers of Communication

Conference call providers are companies that provide the general public with the conference call facility. They are essential in today’s day and age as communication is of prime importance to initiate and carry forward business. The main objective of thes...

10th February 2011

What is Proper Etiquette for the Visitation?

The visitation provides an opportunity for the survivors and others who share in the loss to express their love, respect and appreciation for a life that has been lived. Common sense and good discretion are always the best guides when attending a visitat...

14th January 2011

Using Live Chat Software for Freelance Websites

Using Live Chat Software for Freelance Websites Today’s modern world deals with modern technology, where things are moving from manual to virtual world. And it is nothing but a world that is formed by computer-based simulated environment, where the wor...

20th July 2010

Get Began Using The Conference Call

There is not too a lot distinction between a conference phone and a getting together with that you have in your office. Whether you are seated encounter to encounter with your employees or your clients or on a conference phone with them, some fundamental ...

11th June 2010

Elegant and versatile funeral urns are the best keepsake

The inevitable truth in life is death. It is as natural as birth and whether we like to or not we have to accept it. Death of our beloved ones is definitely unbearable. But we can keep their memories alive by preserving their ashes in Funeral urns after c...

31st May 2010

6 Pros and Cons of Value Added Taxes

Since we have been hearing so much about a Federal VAT over the past few years, I wanted to take a minute to review some of the largest pros and cons of such a tax with all of my blog readers. PRO: Increased Revenue Obviously, the largest benefit of...

04th December 2009

You've Got Chat!

A dear friend called me to tell me she is tying the knot. While congratulating her, I asked her who the lucky guy was. She said she met him online. I was not only surprised but excited about the prospect of meeting somebody I would like online. For al...

05th May 2009

Know All About Conferencing Services

Conferencing is an important part of business relation as it is the only way to share and exchange our thoughts and ideas with clientele groups and colleagues. But formerly it was a costlier part of business expenses involving time, money and accommodatio...

05th May 2009

Avail Conference Call Services for Business Propagation

Today conference call services are playing a great role to the propagation of the global businesses processes. You might find it difficult rather impossible to monitor your entire work process and other related concerns strategically without the assistanc...

05th May 2009

Avail the Upgraded and Upcoming Features of Online Conferencing

Online conferencing helps to share knowledge, experience and thoughts with group of people where ever they are. The traditional conferencing process used to engage physical presence of the participants with considerable space and time. Now with the advant...

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