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Articles, tagged with "great artists", page 1

22nd September 2011


It’s difficult to make a calibrated and semi-nuanced case in favor of a prominent artist who’s just died. Opinions at that moment -- and we have one here with the passing of Cy Twombly -- tend to fall emphatically either in the direction of praise (Twombl...

25th August 2011

Oil Paintings

Mesmerizing Oil Paintings Paintings are considered one of the most beautiful creations of man, bearing the power to exert a pull on the spectator. And among these, oil paintings personify the beauty of the genre of paintings, as a whole. Simply put, oil ...

22nd June 2011

How Painting In Oil May Need To Exclude Things

When a photographer takes pictures he or she has to include whatever is in front of the lens (notwithstanding the limited possibility of some tricks to avoid things). In oil painting, as in the use of other mediums, that is definitely not the case, and ...

29th March 2011

How Your Photography Studio Can Increase Business

Photographers are often great artists and mediocre business people. Marketing can be a daunting challenge for the independent photographer. One great way to take some of the expense and challenge out of generating new clients is to ensure that you are max...

14th March 2011


THE ART OF PHOTOREALISM Photorealism, as the genre is called, is an art form in itself and demands immense patience and inordinate skill to accomplish. The genre has always been controversial among those in the 'Art World' who believe that oils are the...

17th February 2011

Ahmad Khawaja - The Story of a New York Painter

Ahmad Khawaja is the fifth son of Mohammad Khawaja and Kristie Khawaja. When he was four and a half years, his family moved to New York City, with his father who was working for the local newspaper. Ahmad Khawaja was greatly known as a creative painter fo...

09th February 2011

Bootleg Movies: Are Free Online Movies Legal Or Not?

Bootleg movies are either waxing or waning in popularity depending upon who you believe. So what is the truth - are free online movies legal and are they increasing or decreasing in popularity? The answer is . . . (not 'wax on - wax off' - that's another...

01st September 2010

Conserve old photos as prints on canvas

Some of the best paintings which rose to great fame are now available as print on canvas. The new technology of printing has developed methods to keep the old painting of great artists alive in form of replicas true to the original. It is very difficult f...

27th July 2010

Subtitle Sites To Improve Your Movie Viewing Experience

There is an increasing demand for subtitles in various languages for movies across the world. More and more movie lovers are waking up to the prospect of global cinema as there is a fusion of creativity among artists. Sometimes you might come across an aw...

14th May 2010

Quick tips and tricks to buy art online from online art galleries

With the advent of internet and other such advanced technologies; the human race has among other things progressed immensely in term of arts and sculptures. Long gone are the days when we had to walk into a brick and mortar art gallery to glance at some o...

26th February 2010

Modern oil paintings

Usually oil paintings adorn spaces in places like homes, offices, art museums etc. These paintings not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area but also inspire artistic feelings of people. Nowadays modern oil paintings have become very popular. Cr...

08th February 2010

Fine Art Reproductions

FINE ART REPRODUCTION If you love fine art like nearly all people do, chances are you'd want to hang a specimen on your wall. Who wouldn't want a da Vinci, a Rembrandt, a Monet, a Renoir, a Goya, a Constable, a Van Gogh, a Cezanne, a Matisse, a Picasso...

30th December 2009

The Amalgamation Of Humor And Magic By Vegas Magicians

In today's fast growing world people do not have time for each other. Family bonds are getting weaker and weaker with parents working hard at their jobs and children studying at the home and school family time has been fading away. People have busy lives ...

30th December 2009

Mind Blowing Vegas Magicians

Las Vegas is known to be the hub of entertainment. It is famous for casinos, restaurants and its magic shows. The magical nights of Las Vegas are popular all over the world and it gets even more magical when you witness the performances of great artists o...

06th July 2009

Combining the eye-catching quality of custom canvas with subtle beauty

Canvas prints are noticed. Though the level of attention they attract can vary based on a number of characteristics of the work and the placement of the work. Prints on canvas can put the viewer in the frame of mind to appreciate a piece of quality art. S...

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