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Articles, tagged with "stress hormones", page 1

02nd February 2012

How to find natural pimple treatments

Almost 80% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. If you or someone you love suffers from acne - what you want to know is what you can do about it. There i...

06th May 2011

Look and Feel Years Younger

Great Anti-Aging Tips Anti aging does not necessarily mean resorting to expensive cosmetic surgery facial or beauty treatment expensive. Here are my all time best anti aging tips if you really want to look years younger than your real age. 1. Drin...

07th January 2011

Weight Loss Demystified

Shedding 5 pounds of weight is hard. Losing ten pounds is even harder. If you are not careful, the lost weight will come back and the frustration will begin. Remember that gaining weight is a lot easier than losing weight for almost everybody. Except ...

01st September 2010

DISH Network the Quick Healer

When patients spend their days on hospital days, they not only fight the disease or injury that bring them here but also fight the loneliness that they suffer when their close ones leave them at the end of the visiting hours. Medicines do cure the physica...

12th August 2010

DISH Network Hastens the Recovery Process

At some point of our lives we have been to the hospital, either as a patient or as a visitor when your near and dear ones were ill. If you have been to a hospital you must be well aware of the void you feel when all the visitors leave at the evening and y...

13th November 2009

Health Exercise

Here is my list of top 7 things you should do in addition to your daily exercise workouts. 1 - Eat your veggies. Your mum was right: eating your veggies will make you stronger. No seriously, vegetables have much fewer calories than things like meat and...

23rd October 2009

Physical and Mental Effects of Stress

Stress is a primitive response that people have to fear or danger. Fear triggers the "fight or flight" response, releasing chemicals into our body like cortisol and adrenaline. This was very important in the past, when some of our greatest causes of stres...

16th September 2009

Facial Rosacea

Rosacea is a stubborn, embarrassing and potentially disfiguring condition. About thirteen million people in the United States have rosacea. Most of these people are between the ages of thirty and sixty and have fair skin. Rosacea is a disorder of the f...

06th June 2009

Meditation helps school children cope with stress

Half of the world's children live under highly stressful conditions. This is true for academically and emotionally pressured kids at our most elite schools, and more true for kids from lower income families, who by age six have twice the level of stres...

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