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Articles, tagged with "herd", page 1

22nd June 2011

Wildlife Safaris - A Legend of African Elephants

The herd is generally composed of up to 10 females and their young. All of the females in the herd are directly relevant to the matriarch, who is normally the oldest and most significant female. Males past the age of maturity are with the herd only throug...

09th February 2010

How Hair Care is Becoming Increasingly Available to Men

For years women have been devoted to keeping their hair looking at its best with a variety of styles. A lot of women consider their hair to be their crowning glory and as such want it to really stand out. So they apply a vast array of products and treatme...

23rd November 2009

Best Wireless Cell Phone System

Newly Discovered Cell Phone System Allows You To Tap Into The Fastest Growing Best Wireless Cell Phone Opportunity That I Have Seen. This allow you to harness the vast wireless cell phone data base to market to the millions of cell phone users. The con...

27th June 2009

Unlock Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones – To Do Or Not To Do?

Of course, you want the best out of your Sony Ericsson cell phone, whether utmost sound clarity or smooth network coverage, reasonable roaming charges etc. You can do it just by unlocking the code. Often we want to switch over the mobile carrier without c...

04th June 2009

Get The Best The Mobile Phone Deals To Soothe Pinches in Your Pocket

We have walked a long way since the these gadgets intended for communication being found in few hands [rich hands, of course!] to the age wherein renaissance has taken place. This renaissance marks drastic slashing in the prices of grabbing these gadgets ...

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