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Articles, tagged with "sea weed", page 1

10th January 2012

Blemish Removal Tips

Blemish all over the face are the last thing you would want o have! Well, but there are times when we simply cannot avoid them. They are frustrating and also a big hit for one's self-confidence. Very common among teenagers, these are the results of flu...

05th January 2011

Tips On How To Take Good Care Of Your Hands To Avoid Hand Wrinkles

Your face is not the only part of your body that succumbs to the aging process. Your hands are also quite susceptible to the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, it is far more susceptible to the aging process because it is constantly exposed to external agin...

05th January 2011

4 Tips That Can Help You Boost Collagen Production In Your Skin

When it comes to the youthful structure and functions of the integumentary system, collagen is indispensable. This is responsible for giving our skin its firm structure. Without an ample supply of this complex protein, our skin will surely lose its origin...

05th January 2011

How To Stop The Sun From Damaging Your Skin All The Time

The warm and sunshiny weather is always a good excuse to go outdoors and have fun. But you cannot get away from the sun unscathed. The UV rays it emits can stress out collagen fibers and can facilitate the excessive production of melanin. Cumulative sun e...

05th January 2011

How To Avoid Excessive Skin Dryness During Winter

The chilly and biting wind of the winter season dehydrates the skin. It is not uncommon to experience parched dermis when the season gets colder. If you don't do something to alleviate dermis dryness right now, your skin will surely succumb to the rapid a...

05th January 2011

Effective Tips On How To Ward Off Eye Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Keeping skin young and healthy is not an overnight process. Ironically, most of us just contemplate on the health of our skin once we already see unwanted signs of aging. Eye wrinkles and fine lines are the first ones to appear according to experts. T...

05th January 2011

Tips On How To Keep Your Skin Moist And Dewy On The Airplane

Did you know that because of the altitude, skin usually turns dry and flaky when you are on board an airplane? For our integumentary system, there are numerous hassles when traveling from point A to point B. Dry skin is something you would want to avo...

16th December 2010

Daily Skin Care Steps That Can Slow Down Skin Aging

I am aware of the numerous surgical and invasive treatments that can help get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. But the thing is, these shortcuts only work temporarily. Instead of spending money in hiding those signs of skin aging, you have to do something ...

16th December 2010

How To Prevent Rapid Skin Aging When Traveling

How often have you found your skin looking dry, brittle and stressed out when you are traveling? Whether your travel is for business or for pleasure, skin is usually neglected. The thing about skin aging is that it can catch up on you the moment that ...

24th November 2010

Aging Skin Care Plan: The Things to Consider For Having Youthful Skin

As we grow old an anti aging skin care plan is essential because there are plenty of different skin needs that we have to meet. When we advance in years, our skin gets old too. And old skin is more prone to skin problems. This is because it is more sensi...

27th October 2010

Natural Ingredients For Your Firming Neck Cream

Your face is the most affected part of those undesirable skin problems like wrinkles and fine lines. Because of that, there are plenty of facial firming creams available in the market today. However, you shouldn’t forget that the neck is also affected by ...

27th October 2010

Facts that You Should Know in Getting the Best Anti Wrinkle Products

What are your bases for finding the best anti wrinkle products? I hope you have the right information in buying skin care products. But whether you know it or not, I will tell you some guidelines in picking the ones. Wrinkles and fine lines are the mo...

20th October 2010

Facts About Face Cream Reviews

Before buying expensive skin care products, you might want to try reading some face cream reviews. This can be tricky though. You have to be open minded when you read these reviews. We all have our own perceptions and the effects can vary from person ...

27th October 2009

ClearLift Ultra - Botox in a Bottle?

Regardless of how unlikeable the prospect of needles being poked in your face may be, the reality is that Botox procedures bring about genuine, prompt results. But how about those of us that don't have the desire (or the funds) to endure such a procedure?...

21st September 2009

Why natural products are better for your skin

Every time you slosh on some lotion, moisturizer or even eye-liner, you may be one of many who are applying toxins right onto that precious skin. What's more is that your skin may actually even destroy itself faster because of these toxins! Shocking? Well...

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