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Articles, tagged with "debates", page 1

23rd May 2011

Get the Know-How of an Event Management Tool

Events, get-togethers and happenings are quite common instances in everyone’s life. You must have attended events where interaction and exchange of thoughts are common aspects. It is always interesting to attend those glamorous events with an ecstatic atm...

05th May 2011

A Political Strategy For Conservatives

Former NFL coach of the NY Jets Herm Edwards uttered the words "You play to win the game" at a press conference in response to a question about the Jets playing "not to lose" rather than aggressively playing to win. The Edwards quote is funny in the way h...

18th April 2011

Top rated 10 Political News of 2010

God has built from a single blood every nation of males to dwell on all the experience of the earth, and has determined their preappointed periods and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they ought to look for the Lord, in the wish that they could ...

16th March 2011

Check out this site for the most current movie reviews and movie news on the internet

What movie are you and your family going to watch tonight? If you’re like most of us, you probably have no idea. Selecting a movie isn’t as easy as it used to be. There are so many movies to watch these days and so many venues to choose from that it can b...

16th March 2011

Movie reviews and News You Can Use

Bored? Why not play a movie-based trivia game for free? Can’t decide which movie to watch? Why not ask people who have seen movies you are interested in and get their opinions on recent releases on a great website? There is actually a website that offers ...

02nd February 2011

Digital TV enjoys the winning edge

People are of the opinion that TV viewing is likely to diminish over a period of years for other media of entertainment are being introduced and gaining popularity as well. Instead, you will be amazed TV is still remains viewed on a regular basis. What is...

13th December 2010

The Political Bird Has Broken It's Wings

To fix the bird! I'm not sure myself if politics in our country has ever been as confusing as it is these days. Maybe my own perspective of our country clouds my understanding, but as I see it now both sides are broken. Our country is turning in upon its...

01st September 2010

Political Debate - A Way For Different Opposing Team To Argue Their Standpoint

Just what is a political debate? It is a means for different opposing team to argue their viewpoint with the intention of transforming the listener or reader to their opinion. There are actually various types of debates depending on the event. You will h...

05th August 2010

Satellite TV School Programs

Satellite TV shows portrays different slice of life. There are many shows on DISH Network, which are based on high-school life. This is perhaps one of the best phases of life. Most of the DISH Network channels feature shows based on college fests and high...

13th July 2010


The interview evaluation forms is generally considered as a piece of paper. The truth behind is, if this is done efficiently and correctly, it will avoid the slip-up in hiring the employee. It advances the selection in three major areas; better intervie...

22nd April 2010

Contemporary Art Prints -- A Sign of Our Times

Contemporary is both a highly celebrated subject a highly debated subject all at the same time. Even among art fans, there's speculation as to what is and isn't contemporary art. Among people still unsure of whether or not to pursue art collections, conte...

19th April 2010

Election Debate and Political Body Language

Tonight sees the first of three historic live debates between the three main party leaders Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. All week I've been doing interviews as to what we should be looking for in the body language of the three as they pe...

15th March 2010

Why Should We Download The Boondocks episodes?

The Boondocks episodes have proved that even animation can be a strong medium to dig deep into prevailing customs and conventions to analyze their effects on the society as a whole. The Boondocks TV show has used humor as weapon to trigger healthy debates...

06th January 2010

Twitter for Children - Concerns Over its Effects

There has been arising concerns with regards to Twitter for Children. This springs from the fact that children can easily make use of Twitter, in spite of the statement in their terms of service that anyone below the age of 13 are not allowed to use the s...

17th November 2009

Are movies based on books always a success?

The transference of novels to movies is perhaps one of the oldest sources of screenplays, with the very first printed book ever, The Bible, being the source of film many times. The huge volume of novels that have been created is reason enough for books an...

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