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Articles, tagged with "succession", page 1

17th June 2011

Women at the Water Cooler Tip # 11 - When to be quiet

Most times when working with clients I am offering strategies for learning how to find their voice, expand their voice, get heard, speak up, and make themselves known. You see the direction. However, a great leader knows when to be quiet. When to stop,...

31st August 2010

Getting Legal Tax Help

? Tax help Basically, this case will need a well experienced attorney services strategy tax. It falls on the general category of understanding taxes and the laws that governs it. To qualify the different help for tax problems, check on the list that f...

01st February 2010

An Unusual Use For An Embarassing Product

Why was My Friend Looking Shifty In The Chemist Shop? Isn't it funny how friends react when you bump into them while they are shopping for embarrassing products? I bumped into my friend while shopping at a well know high street chemist, and while w...

29th September 2009

The Wali (Guardian) in Islamic Marriages According to the Hanafi Jurisprudence

The "wali" or guardian in Islam is a Muslim individual responsible for the well being of the bride before her marriage. His duty is to ensure that the groom is reliable and trustworthy to marry the bride and carry out his obligations as husband. The H...

08th August 2009

Where’s The Sports Photography Money Shot?

Sports Photography is serious business when it comes to clicking pictures of a professional athlete playing a Professional sport. Take any game, from simple basketball to the National Basketball League or Triathlon consisting of swimming, cycling and runn...

01st August 2009


Storyboards are explanation to show in succession for the purpose of pre visualizing an animated or live-action film. In creating a motion picture with any degree of loyalty to a script, a storyboard provides a visual layout of events as they are to be se...

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