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Articles, tagged with "inflammation", page 4

17th December 2009

Best Beauty Suggestions

If you are a woman who is concerned with her beauty, and most are, then there are a few beauty tips in particular you are going to want to be aware of. These are the most commonly dealt with beauty problems, but with these tips you will be able to avoid t...

17th December 2009

To get rid of your acne permenantly natural acne treatments are the best option.

Acne is usually something you would associate with being a teenager, we all know how embarrasing it can be and have probably experienced getting spots just as your about to attend that all important party. And you have one big pimple come right in the cen...

16th December 2009

3 Quick Acne Home Remedies

Acne is major problem for people many people, from teens to adults. Instead of buying expensive over-the-counter products here are 3 quick acne home remedies. Mint- Peppermint is helpful to cure acne because it contains menthol. Crushed mint leaves he...

16th December 2009

Botox New Jersey - Spa And Clinics

Botox is known to be a most toxic substance ever known with a presence of LD50 in a small proportion per kg. It is used for medication. Botox is a neurotoxic protein which is naturally produced by bacteria called Bacterium Clostridium botulinum. As we use...

08th December 2009

The Best Natural Cures for Dark Under Eye Circles

Did you know the most popular natural cures for dark under eye circles are fresh cucumber or fruit slices? Do they work? If so, then why do they work? Those are the questions we answer in this article. Reclining in a comfortable chair or lying on th...

27th November 2009

Night Face Cream - Ingredients to Look For

There are many types of night face creams currently on the market, but the ones that most consumers are looking for are the ones that actually prevent and reverse the most common signs of aging in the skin. While this narrows the market down some, there a...

26th November 2009

How To Get Rid Of Acne Effectively

Today acne is a problem suffered by not only teeenagers but also many adults.. Most wonder how to remove acne effectively and get back their flawless skin. Several products can be found in the market today, giving you various options and treatments to get...

24th November 2009

Major causes of Acne or Pimples

Acne is a very ordinary skin condition. Luckily, acne is also a treatable condition. However, before you can easily treat your own acne, it is good to have an idea of what acne causes are upsetting you. This is why it is so important for you to study what...

05th November 2009

Benefits of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in a capsule

Recently, there have been strong innovations in the history of fish oil. These are the ultra-refined EPA and DHA (the Essential Fatty Acids found in fish) concentrates that were developed. The process of refining the this oil uses advanced chemical engine...

15th September 2009

Why Cellulite reoccurs when I am successful in reducing it

They are many reasons that can cause cellulite in women as well as men. A very high percentage of cellulite will be found in older women. It doesn't mean I am saying that younger women can't suffer from cellulite. They can also suffer from the dreaded cel...

24th July 2009

Discover the Best Natural Skin Care Products

If you are looking for top natural skin care products you may be surprised to hear that you won't find them among those advertised all over the media. I personally do not rate brands based on advertisements or popularity. In addition, consumers are uncert...

16th July 2009

New Cutting-edge Technology Offers Affordable, Effective Acne Treatment

Few things cause adolescents, and many adults, as much daily embarrassment as acne does. That's why Americans spend more than $100 million a year on over-the-counter acne products! Unfortunately, most don't work leaving acne-sufferers frustrated and despe...

15th July 2009

How To Treat Oily Skin

Acne is often the result of many conditions co-existing, all leading to blocked pores and inflammation. Widely ranging in the severity of the disease, acne occurs on many different skin types, each with their own reasons for being acne-prone at that time....

01st July 2009

How Acne Occurs On Our Body

If you have heard about blackheads and whiteheads you must have heard all about about the irritating condition known as acne. It itches and irritates as the inflammation intensifies, it affects the sebaceous gland and inflames the hair follicle within the...

05th June 2009

Weight Loss Diet Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty A Liposuction Alternative

One popular alternative to liposuction is Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty. This new medical procedure for treating fat and cellulite is a way for patients to see dramatic results in a relaxing way with no downtime. Using a form of radio frequen...

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