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Articles, tagged with "burning of fossil fuels", page 1

05th January 2012

Need of the hour

Need of the hour Well, we are all hearing about global warming these days very frequently. This global warming is the effect of increased concentration of GHG (Green House Gases) due to burning of fossil fuels & deforestation. The temperature differ...

02nd November 2011

Global Warming and Its Effects

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that this increase is very likely due to the "observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, which leads to the warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the...

23rd March 2011

Solar Ovens - Saving Lives

Half the world's population is dependent upon a wood, coal, bark, charcoal, grass or even dried dung for fuel for cooking their daily meals, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). They also report, as a consequence, that we are now losing a sta...

01st February 2011

Environmental Benefits of Solar Panel Installation

One of the main reasons that many people are choosing to heat and power their homes with alternative sources of energy like wind and solar power is that they are relatively inexpensive after the initial setup costs. Mother Nature provides sunlight for peo...

13th September 2010

Causes of Global Warming

Causes of Global Warming Global warming is an increase the average temperature of Earth's surface. Since the late 1800's, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8 degrees C). Many experts estimate that the ave...

31st August 2010

Global Warming & Its Effects

Each year the United States spends over 20 million dollars buying fossil fuels. This country emits one fourth of the world’s greenhouse gases; the most prominent of these gases is carbon dioxide, which is released from the burning of fossil fuels. Global ...

05th July 2010

Carbon Emissions From Flying

It's a dilemma, you want to get out of the house and visit somewhere new, exciting and distant, but at what cost to the planet in terms of environmental impact? Does flying really put out so much carbon that it needs to be regulated? Will planting a tree ...

04th May 2010

Global Warming - Alternative Energy Sources

Global warming is among the "hottest" issues nowadays. The current climate alter is the worst yet to happen. Global warming is an overall improve in world temperature that is attributed towards the increasing number of greenhouse gases trapped within the ...

18th February 2010

Global Warming and Its After Effects!

- Glaciers are melting down - Heat waves are increasing - Extinction of certain species - Resulted in deluge and drought - Given rise to weird diseases - Summer has become longer than winter Extreme changes in climatic condition are due to th...

23rd December 2009

Being Carbon Neutral — An Innovative Concept to Take Personal Responsibility of Our Actions

Greenhouse gases are atmospheric gases that trap heat from the sun and warm the planet's surface. The process is known as "greenhouse effect" and is responsible for allowing earth to warm sufficiently to support life. Although the greenhouse effect is cer...

15th December 2009

Knowing of Global Warming

Global warming is defined as the increase of temperature average of the atmosphere, sea and land earth. At this time the earth is warming rapidly. According to the meteorologist, during the last hundred years, the average temperature has increased from 15...

27th November 2009

The Hypocrisy of Al Gore and David Zuzuki and others!

Imagine how you would feel?Just listening to Al Gore and DR David Zuzuki on talk radio CBC.And hearing these selfishly motivated speakers (we believe) to advance only their agenda's.And those of CBC as supporting their agenda being in the same group.Imagi...

25th September 2009

A Record Year of Dubious Renown

In "Global Implications of the UFO Reality", I attempted to convey a sense of urgency for the implementation of alternative energy devices allegedly back-engineered from downed UFOs. I cited several, credible, scientific sources that blamed the global war...

12th August 2009

Global Warming - Myths and Reality

Failing monsoons, drastic change in climatic condition, acid rains, rapid melting of polar ice burgs, increase in sea level and frequent droughts are some grave consequences, which we are facing today, due to global warming. The sad part of this story is ...

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