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Articles, tagged with "lips", page 1

02nd May 2013

Double Chin Exercises To Transform A Hanging Jawline and Reduce Your Double Chin

If you've got fat cheeks or perhaps a double chin that affects your self-assuredness negatively, chin exercises can provide help to tone the muscles of the face and jowl to wipe out your double chin. Facial firming exercise is almost certainly one o...

17th April 2012

Deceive Your Picky Eaters Into Eating Healthy

If you are a parent and you have a child who is one of those proclaimed picky eaters, you are probably pulling out your hair trying to get your child to eat healthy. It isn’t easy when your child turns up his nose at all those good foods you know will he...

02nd April 2012

Is The Usage of Restylane As A Dermal Filler Safe?

Restylane is one of the most popular cosmetic fillers that are available by injection. Although there are many different products on the market to choose from, this particular product is more effective and more innovative than any of its kind. It is FDA-a...

07th March 2012

8 Great Anti Aging Exercises

Exercising has always been helpful in fighting against the diseases and ailments; they also increase your immunity level. So, the best thing in this regard would be to take resort to anti aging exercises if you want to get better at your work and want lon...

07th March 2012

Do You Want Younger lips? Here are a Few Lip Exercises You Can Do

Perfect, fuller and younger lips are the dream of every women and she wants to keep her lips younger for ever throughout her life. Aging is a process that leaves its effects on every body and can never be stopped; we can only slow it down and its effects ...

16th January 2012

Modern Ways to Achieve the Perfect Smile

By john in Beauty
Everyone needs to have a great look. For a fantastic look, one should have dazzling, shiny, and vivid teeth. Today, a lot of persons are spending more money just to have their teeth white. They develop use of the best lightening therapies and experien...

12th November 2011

8 Recommendations For Picking out The Right Cosmetics In your Skin color Kind

The right cosmetics for any pores and skin variety is important to make a contemporary natural visual appeal too as to prevent reactions on the cosmetics which include allergies with resulting rashes, itching and weeping or breakouts with whiteheads or bl...

11th November 2011

Juvederm Vs Restylane - My Experiences

Dermal fillers is getting a lot of attention recently in the world of cosmetic dermatology and anti aging. And all for a good reason. Juvederm dermal fillers like Restylane and can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of a person's skin, all with ...

14th October 2011

Permanent Makeup: Gaining in Popularity

Who has time to spend in front of the mirror applying cosmetics, most often multiple times per day? Not many women have the luxury of doing this, which is why permanent makeup is becoming so popular today. You care about your appearance. You want to look ...

07th September 2011

Botox and Rhinoplasty: Helping you Achieve Your Ideal Facial Features

Everybody loves to have beautiful facial features: expressive eyes, pouting and sensual lips, rosy cheeks and sharp nose. These are the qualities that comprise our idea of beautiful facial features. If we lack one of these, then such imperfection somewhat...

15th August 2011

Things You Need to Know About Collagen Face Masks

Collagen face masks can practically provide a number of benefits. Our skin loses its collagen content as we age.. This causes our skin to lose its natural elasticity, and ultimately the formation of minute lines and wrinkles. Thinner lips and nails can al...

26th July 2011

A Preamble to Bubble Game

What is so special about bubble game? This is a question that seems to be on everyone’s lips especially for those who have much interest in the bubble related entertainments that are believed to be filled with action, thrill as well as soap. The good thin...

30th June 2011

Permanent Makeup Artist

What is an artist? There are a number of definitions. Many of them vary from person to person. But overall it is fairly safe to say an artist is someone who has pursued a certain skill through study and practice in order to become a master at it. A good a...

20th June 2011

Hints For Using An Indoor Tanning Lotion

Even if you are an experienced tanner the use of indoor tanning lotions will improve the results of your day tanning. However, you might appreciate some useful tips. Anyone who is interested in maximizing the results of their tan will want to know all tha...

13th June 2011

Applying lipstick in a proper manner completes your look

Artificial makeup is the call of the day. People today, in a bid to look beautiful, are opting for different kinds of products. These cosmetics, as they are known are used to enhance the facial features and lend a bit of individuality to the person. A cos...

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