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Articles, tagged with "hmrc", page 1

04th July 2011

Reduce Tax Liability - Deductible Business Expenses

Expenses is a very large area of tax, and one of the most challenging as well, which is why we’ve written this blog post; to try and give you an idea of some of the expenses that you can claim. An expense is allowable as long as it was reasonably incur...

12th March 2011

Keep track of tax liabilities is easy.

So you're living the self employed dream. No more commuting to work with a rubbish boss, annoying colleagues and pointless meetings. You're doing something you love and some days work doesn't even feel like work. It's an absolute joy. But that's just one ...

18th February 2011

Debt Advice May Be Needed For Tax Code Victims With Underpaid Tax

From the Items List, press Control-N. Select Sales Tax Item. Enter a name for the sales tax - something simple is fine, something that makes sense to you. Enter a more detailed description on the next line. Enter the tax rate, and choose the state reporti...

04th February 2011

The Costs Involved Of Retiring Abroad

You have just finished your final day at work after 40 consecutive years with the same employer, not many people can say that in this market place, you are getting your pension benefits in a months time and you want to start planning for your move abr...

31st January 2011

Students issued tax warning

The vast majority of people who earn money are keen to ensure they do not pay too much income tax. For this reason, some use an income tax calculator or PAYE calculator to help them assess whether or not they have. Students may be among those who can b...

29th August 2010

Use an Umbrella Company? - Ensure your workplace is deemed temporary

If you are contractor, assessing your workplace status is extremely important. There are a number of rules set by HMRC which will determine whether you have the right to claim travel and subsistence expenses whilst you work. The rules heavily focus on whe...

18th July 2010

HMRC Amend PAYE Penalties Guidance

At the start of the tax year new late payment penalties were introduced for PAYE and other payments due from employers. The new rules apply to almost all employers and contractors, whether they employ one or a hundred employees. The rules apply to monthly...

11th May 2010

Tax hits the headlines again

Two cases on residence of individuals for tax purposes have recently been widely reported in the national press; in each case, the cases reveal what are generally considered to be new developments, although HMRC denies that this is the case. One of ...

16th April 2010

Claiming an income tax rebate if you're unemployed

If you are unemployed then you may be able to claim what is likely to be a much needed income tax refund from the tax man. Assuming you were working during a tax year but were then made redundant for whatever reason, you can probably claim some money b...

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