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Articles, tagged with "lack of sleep", page 3

15th December 2009

Factors that Affect Skin Aging

Wrinkles and discoloration are serious signs of aging. For the baby boomer, this is a big problem. That's why scientifically-based products are now in great demand. Thanks to several skin innovations, looking younger is not as impossible as you think. ...

25th November 2009

Symptoms of Parent Stress

It is important to recognize the symptoms of parent stress before it gets too severe. Everyone experiences a certain amount of stress in their lives, whether from family, work, finances or illness… the list is endless. Being a parent adds yet another di...

20th November 2009

Say Goodbye to Tired Eyes – How to Erase Dark Circles

Most women yearn for the days when their eyes were bright, vivid, and young. However, from aging, stress, and tiredness, dark circles make the eyes appear tired and much older than they really are. Alas, until recently, there were few products that w...

19th November 2009

Eye Dark Circles Treatment

Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing issue. Many people assume they're caused by not getting enough sleep, and they're right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appeara...

16th November 2009

Reduce Bags Under The Eyes

Among other reasons for development of dark circles under the eyes include allergies. In people born with allergies such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and hayfever, this is a frequent sight. Airborne allergens such as pollens and dust cause an itching sen...

22nd October 2009

The Secret to Getting Rid of Under Eye Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Have you ever wondered if there's a natural remedy for getting rid of your under eye dark circles and puffy eyes? You are not alone, many people look for a chemical free skincare eye cream treatment for dark circles to reduce the bags and puffiness under ...

21st October 2009

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Around Eyes - The Best Way to Get Rid of Wrinkles

Do you want to learn how to get rid of wrinkles around your eyes? I first started noticing fine line and wrinkles around my eyes when I was about 25 years old. I was devastated and I really wanted to slow this process. I actually started dreading looking ...

05th October 2009

Further benefits of white and blue light therapy

Medication has traditionally been the best way to treat the symptoms or the root causes, of several disorders such as SAD, major depression and mood swings associated with the weather. In recent years, extensive studies by leading experts and instituti...

16th September 2009

Seven Causes That Contribute To Aging Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body. A persons skin color and texture are inherited through genetics, and that provides information about his/her family history. Aging is perhaps an evocative term, relating as it does to a human process which while ...

19th August 2009

Scientology Volunteers Help Cope with Record Flooding

The Scientology Disaster Relief Team is on site with emergency workers and flood victims helping bring order and relief in the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot. Southern Taiwan is experiencing its worst flooding in 25 years from Typhoon Morakot and Sci...

12th August 2009

The Causes of Dark Circles and Puffiness Around your Eyes

Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are often associated with lack of sleep. While this can contribute to the cause the actual root of the problem is quite different. This article will explore the cause of both puffiness and dark circles as well as ...

08th August 2009

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Many women have dark circles under their eyes on a regular basis. In fact, 9 out of 10 people have to deal with dark circles under their eyes at one time or another. The condition has been blamed on anything from lack of sleep to the wrong diet. It is act...

17th June 2009

Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes the Fast, Easy, and Safe Way

You would have seen some of your colleagues with dark circles under their eyes. Doesn't it look like these people have less energy, that they seem haggard and tired? It's not surprising to think they are frustrated, perhaps they even seem depressed. Feeli...

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