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Articles, tagged with "rest of your life", page 3

08th February 2010

Fat-Blasting Nutrition

No matter what your goal, it is essential to create a strategy for a new way of eating. The key to reducing body fat, and maintaining that loss, is mastering the termination stage of change. Mastering your diet will enable you(and others) to see your newl...

01st February 2010

Why Dieting Is Not A Happy State

When you're on a diet, you go through the same emotional roller coaster as the hunger-strikers. Self-righteousness, commitment and idealism all slowly ebb away as the hunger bites deeper into your soul. Unease, anxiety and depression take their place. And...

21st January 2010

Why Choose Zodiac Tattoos

One out of every 10 individuals in America are said to have at least a single tattoo on their body. Previously a practice that has been frowned upon and has been stereotyped as unhygienic and rebellious, tattooing is now gaining a wide acceptance in the w...

01st December 2009

Is it possible to get a share of your partner’s pensions after divorce?

Whenever couples register for a divorce, they estimate the assets to do the proper settlement. But most of them do not remember to include their spouse's pension as a portion of the income. It is important to include it as it is a part of your assets that...

30th November 2009

Property Tax Relief Free Important Knowledge Base

As you devour this article, remember that the rest of it contains valuable information related to property tax relief and in some way related to dolphin fish, Alaskan fishing trips, saltwater fly fishing or surf fishing clubs for your reading pleasure. ...

05th November 2009

When Is Divorce Advisable?

There are various factors you must consider before you file for a divorce. To put in another way, it is not every matter in the family that necessitate finishing it. It is only when things gets to the extreme that you consider cutting your association wit...

14th September 2009

Forget the Monday Morning Resolutions; Your Future is Now!

Forget the Monday Morning Resolutions: Your Future is Now by Jacqueline Cornaby Every Monday morning millions of people make resolutions in an attempt to positively change their lives. I'm going to start my diet. I'm going to get rid of my debt. I'm fi...

26th July 2009

How Does Life Insurance Work?

We all need life insurance. Even if we do not have much in the way of personal expenses, life insurance is a must. Parents will even obtain life insurance on their newborn babies because we never know what is going to happen from day to day. Newborn babie...

26th June 2009

I'm Not That Into The Whole Prom Thing - Will I Regret Not Going?

Prom is a special time in your life. Not everyone looks forward to prom, though. Does this mean that you are weird or that you are going to regret not going? Unfortunately, this is a decision that many girls (and guys) have to make on their own. No one ca...

17th April 2009

Secrets and tips for designing your own killer tattoos!

One of the most satisfying things about the whole tattooing experience is being able to design them yourself and seeing your original sketch come to life as a fully fledged tattoo etched in ink. There's quite a few things that you need to consider and wor...

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