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Articles, tagged with "blood cells", page 1

05th September 2011

Great Diets For Stomach Fat

All of us, someday in our live wish to know the ideal diets for belly fat as a broad waistline is not preferred among many. Tummy fat being the major reason for this. Not only can it make you look and appear un-shapely but it often is disturbing for a lot...

08th February 2011

Do you know your blood type might predispose you to high FSH levels?

An American research of 560 women who sought for fertility remedies at the Yale University IVF system as well as the Montefiore Institute in New York found that your blood type might be an aspect in your fertility. Based on this study ladies having blo...

05th January 2011

Make Some Changes In Your Lifestyle To Slow Down Skin Aging

Our lifestyle affects the aging process of our skin. That being said, a few crucial changes to your lifestyle can actually help you have young looking skin for a longer period of time. I am sure you would want to look comparatively young looking even when...

05th January 2011

How To Extend The Youthful Functions Of Your Skin

Most of us have resigned ourselves to the idea that our skin will turn wrinkly as we get older. But in the past few decades, we have become quite obsessed with the science of having beautiful skin. It paved way to the appearance of numerous treatments tha...

05th January 2011

Seven Natural Ways To Combat Cellular Aging

Aging is more than just skin deep. There are a lot of internal factors that speed up the aging process of the skin and the whole body. One of them is cellular aging. Cellular aging pertains to the gradual deterioration of cellular functions. This is c...

16th December 2010

4 Tips In Preventing Raccoon Eyes - What Can Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Smoky eye make-up is quite popular today. But once you have stripped the layers of cosmetic products, you would not want to see dark smudges under your eyes. Dark circles under eyes, now jokingly referred to as raccoon eyes, can make your whole face l...

16th December 2010

Daily Skin Care Steps That Can Slow Down Skin Aging

I am aware of the numerous surgical and invasive treatments that can help get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. But the thing is, these shortcuts only work temporarily. Instead of spending money in hiding those signs of skin aging, you have to do something ...

06th December 2010

Use of Essential Oils in Skin Care Products

Many skin care products use essential oils in their ingredients. For instance I saw a shampoo and conditioner advertised which included tea tree oil and said it was for dry scalp. Why tea tree oil to combat dry scalp? Because tea tree oil has natural anti...

05th January 2010

Summit Cube-Sized Freezers

Freezers are generally used for storing vaccines, medicines, blood samples, reagents and cultures. Summit cube-sized freezers are in great demand as they ensure better performance than any other models. These units are presently available in a variety...

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