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Articles, tagged with "distilled water", page 1

12th March 2012

Beauty Tips

An outburst of pimples can diminish your child's self-esteem to a great extent. How can you help?Babies, and children, have perfect skin: soft, velvety, smooth and blemish-free. So what happens to skin, when children enter their pre-teens and teens? Ragin...

27th April 2011

Even Cheap Electric Guitars Have Got Feelings Too

When I had owned my initial cheap electric guitar for around six months I thought about replacing the strings and as I had only been cleaning it with a damp cloth (without using any sort of cleaning product) I thought it would be a good time to do it prop...

22nd March 2011

Make your Broken Snow Globe Good as New through the Snow Globe Repair Expert

Yuletide season has ended. Surely you’ve enjoyed some good times having parties at home with family and friends, exchanging gifts and creating new and exciting memories with them. However, you might have encountered slight problems such as a broken snow g...

28th January 2011

Skin Care for Combination Skin Type

A combination skin type is a condition whereas part of the face is overly dry and other areas are oily. The oily condition usually occurs in the T zone, which encompasses the forehead, the nose and chin areas. These areas are prone to breakouts (blackhead...

03rd August 2010

Antioxidants - Nature's Gift!

We hear about antioxidants everyday and the benefits they provide to your overall health. Additionally, antioxidants get quite a bit of exposure in skin care products. So what are antioxidants and what exactly do they do? Antioxidants are commonly foun...

21st May 2010

Is Hydroderm a Scam

Let's face it, not all of us are born with perfect skin. Over time it starts showing the wear and tear of age. Fortunately this can be controlled with all of the different types of products that are available out there. The cosmetics industry has come a l...

22nd January 2010

How One Can Make Perfume From Home

Some people find it hard to find the right perfume. This may smell good when this is sprayed into the air but this changes when this reacts with the skin. Those who are tired of this problem can stop looking and instead make one . The first step is to ...

22nd September 2009

Water Based for Face Packs...

Water based face pack firm up the skin. They help in removing the wrinkles. There are many types of skin such as oily skin, normal skin, dry skin etc, but normal skin is a perfectly balanced skin. This type of skin does not look dry and shiny. It is very ...

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