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Articles, tagged with "background color", page 1

05th June 2011

Copper Streaks

Copper Streaks is a playful, whimsical piece that utilizes the same shape across the canvas but is continually reinventing it so the piece stays interesting in every inch of the canvas and with every brush stroke. The brush strokes combined in this p...

08th February 2011

Scrapbook – A Better Way to Preserve Memories

When asked which is the best way to preserve memories, there is no doubt that scrapbook is one of the most effective and enjoyable ways of keeping memories from being forgotten and fun to look at. In the past time, we were sentimental about a lot of thing...

27th October 2010

Enlarging Your Pictures through Clipping Path Service

The revolutions in the photo industry have made it possible for image enhancement to fit the many requirements in which the images can be put onto. Many different groups’ needs their images enhanced for reducing in size or enlarging for different purposes...

11th October 2010

Selecting Fine Art Materials Like Plein Aire Frames

Perhaps you have just purchased some fine art. You may need to protect it with quality framing like Plein Aire frames. When you shop for your art materials, here are some points to consider. Finding the right matte The most elegant and expensive fra...

11th October 2010

Selecting Quality Art Materials Like Plein Aire Frames

When investing in fine artwork, you should consider quality framing materials. Look for products like Plein Aire frames, as they will look good and last long. Here are some tips to consider when looking for the right materials. The right matte The m...

18th May 2009

Adobe Photoshop Edit Tricks For Beginners

Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful computer application to learn. This is basically an image editing software program that will allow you to edit, alter, and enhance images, such as photographs. By knowing about the basic tools used in Adobe Photoshop, you wi...

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