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Articles, tagged with "jaw bone", page 1

29th October 2012

Say no to Removable Dentures and Hello to a Hassle-Free Future with Teeth Implants

Removable dentures, or false teeth, are bulky plastic teeth reconstructions that rest upon the jaw bone ridge in the mouth. They are custom fit by the Sun City dentist to provide patients with replacement teeth that look and function like a complete set o...

22nd October 2012

The Sun City Dentist Reveals Nine Shocking Facts About Dentures, PART 2

Dentures in Arizona have long been the teeth replacement technology of choice. But since the design and perfection of sophisticated dental implant protocols for fixed oral rehabilitation, patients no longer have to consign their life to the challenges, di...

28th February 2011

Dental Implants And Children - Get Advice

Unfortunately, while Sport may be great for children, adolescents and adults alike tooth loss and trauma due to Sporting accidents is a notable problem - For the majority of youngsters and adolescents this will mean a chipped or missing front tooth. A mis...

08th November 2010

Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming a more popular alternative to simply wearing dentures for a couple of missing teeth. People lose teeth all the time due to various factors, it could be injury, illness or even just tooth decay. A large gap where a tooth used t...

12th August 2010

Dental implants India: An Ideal Solution for Replacement of Natural Teeth

"To begin with, yes, it is the Dental Implants India which is considered as the ideal solution for the replacement of a missing tooth, multiple teeth or all teeth". And the process is more or less pain-free. Thanks to the modern Dentistry Science, dental ...

17th June 2010

The Answers To All Your Dental Implant Questions

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way. What used to be painful, obvious and not so pretty cosmetic dentistry is now simple, fast and no one will know you had a little work done. There are different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures for different pro...

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