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Articles, tagged with "prenuptial agreements", page 1

09th August 2011

What Makes a Good Prenuptial Agreement

Many people assume that prenuptial agreements are only for couples who are extremely successful or have a great deal of money. While it is true that agreements are important for those people, they are also beneficial for your average couple. A prenuptial ...

06th June 2011

Oklahoma City Divorce - The Prenuptial Agreement

There is a lot of talk these days about how divorce attorneys, through the overuse of prenuptial agreements, have diluted the act of marriage into being a routine business transaction between two parties. Personally speaking, I am opposed to prenups. Ca...

13th April 2011

Divorce Insurance What Is It and Do You Will need It?

I talked with John Logan, CEO of WedLock Divorce Insurance, from his North Carolina workplace about the divorce insurance coverage principle, the economic collapse divorce can carry, and why you ought to buy it.Q: Divorce is so prevalent, why hasn't this ...

17th December 2010

Stop Divorce Proceedings and Repair Your Marriage

Divorce was once a taboo subject reserved for only the most serious problems that could arise in a marriage. Today, divorce is viewed very differently. The divorce rate has grown dramatically in the past several decades. Analysts estimate at least half of...

29th October 2010

Prenuptial Agreements in the UK

Prenuptial agreements will be in something of a legal limbo in the uk. Unlike many jurisdictions in Europe and further afield, UK courts weren't certain to accept them in a divorce hearing. While this is still true in the uk, a recently available landmark...

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