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Articles, tagged with "skin blemishes", page 2

17th December 2009

Effective Acne Treatments

Acne Vulgaris, commonly known as Acne is a type of skin infection that is suffered by every other individual today. There are many reasons why an individual gets infected by acne, like wrong habits of eating, hereditary disorder, hormonal imbalance, requi...

15th December 2009

Face Cream

Face Cream contains targeted botanical ingredients specifically formulated to counter advanced skincare concerns. Face creams should contain emollients such as jojoba and lanolin, which moisturize the skin. A face cream might also contain anti-irritants...

08th December 2009

Choosing the Right Make-up Cosmetics

Make-up cosmetics are highly important for women and even men because they enhance beauty and boosts confidence. It also improves presentability and promotes career prospects. Women love make-ups because it highlights beauty, not to mention it also concea...

07th December 2009

At Home Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion and Skin Lightening

Can You Get Results With Microdermabrasion For Skin Lightening? By Anita Greenwood Due to poor diet, years of overexposure to the sun and scars caused by acne, our skin takes a lot of beating. This usually results in dark marks on the face and a gener...

16th September 2009

Before choosing your some Skin Care Products

Choosing Skin Care Products No matter whom you are male or female, young or old, having good looking skin is important. After all, your skin is what people are going to see when they are talking to you. But unfortunately, keeping perfect skin is easie...

01st September 2009

Beauty Tips

Everyone wants to look the absolute best they can, that's completely natural. But how can you improve your appearance and make your face look beautiful? Well there are a few tips and solutions that you can use. Clean One of the most important things is ...

03rd August 2009

Windows to your soul - Eye makeup tips

Windows to your soul - Eye makeup tips Here are some eye make up tips you can use. These are things I have learnt over years of working as a professional make up artist. I believe it is every woman's privilege to enhance her beauty by properly applying...

09th July 2009

Causes Of Greasy Hair And How To Improve It

Greasy hair is actually a common occurrence for many people. For those who do no usually experience greasy hair , there may be some concern with regards to what caused it and how to stop it from happening again. There are a few facts that will help people...

18th May 2009

Most Effective Natural Tricks to Cure Acne

Acne is a disease that can influence any person at any age. But usually it is seen that the problem occurs in teenagers very often. A single problem has various reasons behind so sometimes it is quite hard for the doctors even to identify the cause and ev...

28th April 2009

Information on How To Use Glycolic Acne

Acne glycolic acid is used in the treatment of acne. Its effective use is not in using it alone, but in combination with other acids. But, in this article we discuss glycolic acid so that you can become more familiar with it. That way when you use it t...

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