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Articles, tagged with "concealer", page 2

11th January 2011

Mineral Foundation for all Skin Types

Mineral makeup has become a huge trend over the last couple of years and unlike most trends we are sure that this one is here to stay. With more and more people discovering the benefit of mineral makeup as appose to traditional makeup formulations the min...

29th November 2010

Makeup and Fashion Artist

Makeup and fashion plays a very vital role in physical appearance this is why it is vital to choose your makeup carefully. Trends of Makeup and fashion tips are similar, and change every year, allowing women to be diverse with their looks and carry a mak...

27th October 2010

Fighting Dark Under Eye Circles

Have you ever had circles under your eyes that are so deep and dark, people think you have two black eyes? Believe it or not, under eye circles can get that bad if left untreated. Some people have a genetic predisposition to raccoon looking eyes. Th...

06th September 2010

The Art Of Using Concealers

Camouflaging trouble areas on the face with concealersConcealers help mask trouble areas, blemishes, and dark circles. They help your skin look glowing and smooth out uneven tone. They balance out your skin complexion and tone. From the neck area to all o...

05th August 2010

Beauty Tips- Make-Up And Cosmetics

By rock in Beauty
Function these 12 complimentary beauty tips to ensure you cause the top figure benefit from your first-rate of make-up and cosmetics: Free Beauty Tip #1: Whilst shopping on behalf of lip color and eye shadow, position a clean sheet of ashen paper in...

19th July 2010

Find the Courage to Escape A Brutal Marriage

Beauty and victory don't immune women to the rough treatment of marital brutality. And, anxiety and blame commonly quite the gutwrenching shriek of its pain. We realize it's difficult to imagine yourself as prey to these horrible doing. And, like you, the...

07th July 2010

How to Apply Eye Makeup

The same basic steps are used when you apply eye makeup, whether you go for nude makeup or the seductive, smoky eye look. You change your look by your choice of colors. Go for natural colors, close your your skin tones for that nude makeup look, something...

07th July 2010

The 5 Deadly Makeup Sins

Thou shalt not cheat on your husband. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not wear the wrong color foundation! Okay, that last one might not be Biblical, but it should be known to all women because a bad coat of face is one of the 5 Deadly Makeup Sins. I'...

21st June 2010

How to Look Beautiful Even In Hot Weather?

By bmb in Beauty
You need to be cautious about the makeup during hot weather and save it from getting damaged. Here, you find the mineral makeup most useful. This technique of makeup is not a discovery of the modern age, instead, it relates to the old history, when minera...

16th June 2010

How to create younger eyes with clever make up

Look younger with our expert make up advice The delicate skin around your eyes is the first to show signs of ageing, fatigue and a less than healthy lifestyle. Our expert tips will take years off your eyes. A fine line Moisture loss through the skin ...

10th June 2010

Eye Circles- The Hidden Truth

Every woman has encountered the fight with dark under-the-eye circles. Whether it be from lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, illness, or aging, the real deal is how to get rid of it. Foundations have been involved in many women's basic beauty regime for...

09th April 2010

Elminate Under-Eye Circles with the Proper Concealer

At some time in a woman's life we are plagued with dark under eye circles. The root cause of these circles can be attributed to a variety of reasons such as stress, lack of sleep, allergies, genetics, medications or thinning skin under the eye to name a f...

01st March 2010

Find out Guides In Applying Makeup

Girls use makeup to enhance their natural beauty. Following these directions can help you will learn how to apply makeup for all occasions. Begin by washing your face. Use a mild cleanser that doesn't dry out the skin. Follow up with a moisturizer appropr...

05th January 2010

How to Put On Makeup

Most people do not understand how to put on makeup correctly because many of us have designed our own methods of applying makeup and we don't even know what is right and wrong. You need to learn tips on how to put on makeup correctly to make sure that you...

11th December 2009

Makeup Tips

I'm sure most women have applied facial makeup to enhance their looks at sometime or other in their life. Most of us use it to highlight our good features and of course to try and hide the not so good features. Gone are the days when only women apply make...

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