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Articles, tagged with "fossil fuels", page 2

21st April 2011

Good Reasons To Consider Residential Solar Panels

When it comes to looking at a budget it's hard to miss the fact that countless dollars are spent on energy each and every month. This money adds up quickly and very rarely can an effect be seen with the efforts of unplugging appliances, turning lights and...

21st April 2011

Solar Energy- Absolutely Essential for Family homes

‘Going green’ will be the trend these days considering that the world is facing a whole lot of environmental problems specifically global warming. Electricity comes from fossil fuels that are becoming burned. The emissions contribute a great deal to globa...

07th April 2011

Hour Of Change

You might have noticed that the last few blog weeks have been utilized in trying to highlight the importance of energy conservation. Let it be said that there is no coincidence at work in Earth Hour being around the corner and Jaago Re deciding to open yo...

06th April 2011

Going Green With Electrical Contractors

We often think of using electrical contractors to install fancy data cabling and audio visual services and installations. We think of them for running cables through our wall and installing new sockets and making sure they are the right voltage so that o...

06th April 2011

Solar Energy Now And Forever

At the height of the Industrial Revolution, during times when the supply of fossil fuels (i.e. oil and coal) were seemingly endless, there were a few people who were concerned about the future of the nation once these non-renewable sources have finally be...

28th March 2011

Grid Connections Explained

The potential fuel crisis that may occur as a result of continued use of the finite supply of non renewable energy sources constantly hangs its foreboding shadow modern society and unless we find new, renewable sources of energy to use as an alternative ...

24th March 2011

Portable Solar Panels Promise to Cater Household Energy Needs

Though fossil fuels occupy the center-stage when it comes to cater the demand of energy, but the role of solar power cannot be ignored. The solar power is the fundamental of all energy sources and if you have it in your hand, all other sources become seco...

22nd March 2011

The Wind Farm Developer

The potential fuel crisis that may occur as a result of unrestricted use of the limited supply of fossil fuels constantly hangs over modern society like a spectre and unless we find alternative, renewable sources of energy in the very near future, curren...

16th March 2011


The costs of consuming energy for your home and business can be high, not only financially but also for this little planet that we call as home. These days, there are solutions available with solar panel systems that offer the brightest of those answers. ...

15th March 2011

What Can We Do to Reverse Climate Change?

Moving towards the use of clean energy with no environmental impact does more than simply reduce the probability of climate change. It can have a lot of other benefits, including: 1. The overall improvement of health for every living human being on the...

03rd March 2011

Play Your Part For The Environment And Use Solar Energy

If everyone does their part individually to help our planet globally, then we can look forward to a cleaner, healthier future for our children and further generations. As more people get on board with recognizing how important it is to be more environment...

01st March 2011

Different Types of Solar Heating

In a perfectly contained system, where humans could capture all of the power from the sun to use it to power cities and homes, the sun's output could meet the yearly energy requirements of the country within a few minutes. Instead of relying on fossil fue...

01st March 2011

Recycling: It Really Is Straightforward, Try It

Of course you don’t do this yourself, or could you? When you recycle, pretty much means that energy is saved. When a manufacturing company decides to make new stuff out of old stuff, it saves lots of energy. A good example of this would be the recycling...

28th February 2011

Help Protect the Environment from Pollution with Louisville Recycling

In the present day the best emerging trend to experience a clean life style is to recycle our waste. Recycling is processing waste materials and making it into brand new products. It may help conserve lots of energy since it takes small energy to recycle ...

28th February 2011

What exactly is Green Energy?

Everyone nowadays is talking about green and clean energy especially after President Obama’s emphasis on inculcating clean energy technology in his “state of the union” speech a few days ago. Essentially green energy is that energy which has a significant...

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