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Articles, tagged with "earners", page 1

01st April 2011

ATM Charity Giving Looks Set to Become Part of the UK Big Society

The UK Coalition government is calling on banks and ATM providers to let them know how to make charitable donations via ATM happen in the UK. Consultations are taking place in the early months of 2011 and will be led by Cabinet Office Minister Francis Mau...

07th February 2011

Do It Yourself (DIY); Filing your Income Tax Returns

It’s always not easy to hire outside help in assisting you with your routine job. Nature of certain jobs is technical and may still require assistance of a professional. Filing of your annual income tax return is somewhat similar to a semi-technical job. ...

20th December 2010

Treat for male viewers on DISH Network

Keeping pace with the fast pace life of 21st century people hardly have any time left for their own amusement and fun. The people have turned into machine with little bit of emotion and feeling being left in them. Psychologists too have opined that due to...

11th November 2010

Coalition government expects up to 100,000 parents to return to work!

The government has recently announced it expects up to 100,000 parents to return to work, when their child reaches 5 years old. Parents who do not abide by this rule will suffer a benefit reduction or removal. In some parenting communities this has caus...

19th August 2010

Higher earners warned over tax relief

Those that fall into the higher earners bracket have been warned that the government may impose further restrictions to pension savings in the emergency Budget on June 22.Accountants and wealth advisers have reported a surge in calls from clients that ear...

30th July 2010

The increasing need for mobile phones

For children to develop their own confidence and feel happy in themselves, it is important that they make a few friends in school. The social skills learnt inevitably follow them through their childhood and into adulthood. The importance of social skills ...

20th July 2010

U.K Facing Tight Budget Due To Damaged Economy

According to new research by IFS, our government need to find 90 billion pounds to balance out their budget. Britain is facing a huge debt crisis. This would end up costing each British family a huge £2,840 per year by 2017-18 in higher taxes or publ...

22nd June 2010

Designer Shoes - Find Out Its Real Worth

To many people, designer shoes are just a waste of money. For someone who earns an average income, getting designer shoes would make them sacrifice all other basic needs. Many think that these shoes are unnecessary and buying them would give you nothing b...

26th April 2010

Tax Saving Tips for the Real Estate Investor

In addition to simply forming a business entity, there are some other useful vehicles for saving on taxes. This is not a discussion of business write-offs, but rather of techniques or tools for keeping more of your revenue. Examples include: • 1031 t...

12th April 2010

There was no surprise regarding the budget. Tax, tax and a little more tax.

Well there was no surprise regarding the budget. Tax, tax and a little more tax. But if you are bailing out banks at a rate of knots its no surprise that you need a sub from the unsuspecting tax payer. It is perhaps most worrying that the governme...

05th November 2009

A Legitimate Home Based Business Carbon Copy Pro

1-For thosewho are unsure about Carbon Copy Pro and are wondering if it is a legitimate home based business, this article is specifically for you. Carbon Copy Pro has been around since July of 2008, when CEOs and co-founders Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkins...

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