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Articles, tagged with "selling stocks", page 1

28th September 2011

Tax Free Investments

In the short term the market is very risky. The market will go up and then go down so if you are only thinking of investing for a short period then this is not the best option. If you are nearing retirement age and now beginning to invest in stocks this i...

01st February 2011

5 Practical Tips On Affording In-Vitro Fertilization Treatment

Examining all probable financial sources available, modifying your lifestyle, searching for infertility treatment loans, joining IVF research trials, and searching for overseas clinics that have lower rates can help you save money for an in-vitro fertiliz...

21st December 2009

Know More about Alternative Minimum Tax

If you are liable for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) bracket this year you may not understand how you got there to begin with. Taxes can be confusing so the more you understand it the better the outcome. If you are living in the New York and lookin...

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