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Articles, tagged with "call centers", page 1

08th November 2012

Acquire Success Through Well Handled Outbound Calling Campaigns

The article tells us how call centers India are surely the best at effectively handling outbound calling campaigns and bringing in maximum profits to the hiring business. It can never be denied that it is through outbound calling campaigns that busin...

02nd May 2012

Crisis Management Plans Start with Call Center Outsourcing

No matter what type of company you run, a crisis can always happen. A crisis, especially an unexpected one, has the power to devastate a business. Every company can suffer from a crisis situation if they are unprepared, so it is important for a company to...

02nd May 2012

Different Software Used in Call Centers

Companies know they can rely on call centers to help grow their business. Call centers offer a cheaper option to managing things within your own company. They use these call centers for a variety of different things such as handling inbound billing calls,...

02nd May 2012

Great Disaster Recovery Strategies Use Call Centers

Disasters happen. What would you do if your company was disabled because of down phone lines or a product recall? Are you prepared? With a disaster recovery call center, you can prepare yourself for whatever the future may throw at you. Before we write to...

21st June 2011

Call Centers Are For All Businesses

Call centers are an effective way of increasing the revenue of any kind of businesses that one may commit in. There are some call centers that offer best technology, inexpensive manpower, and state of the art infrastructure capabilities at low cost to giv...

24th May 2011

Key Performance Indicators - Objectively Evaluate Call Center Performance

Call centers are customer service centers that receive and transmit multiple requests by telephone (and also usually by email and other online channels). These were originally introduced as extensions of telecommunications services especially for large co...

19th May 2011

Cold Calling in Call Centers

A major function of the call centers is to get new subscribers for the brand. In the traditional method, the outbound call center agents are supposed to make calls to a potential group of consumers. The database is segregated according to the targeted dem...

18th May 2011

How Predictive Dialers And Progressive Dialers Ease The Life Of Call Center Agents?

Predictive dialers are used extensively by telemarketing firms to increase outbound call efficiency. Earlier, call center agents has to make calls to users from the database, and wait for a person to attend the call. Sometimes or most of the time the call...

04th May 2011

Call center – Business Process Outsourcing

Today, most companies are hiring call centers to outsource their customer service. With the growth of technology, companies are in constant search for better services from their subcontractors. Customers are very demanding, they want good products, good s...

06th April 2011

Apparent Benefits of Call Center Services

Call centers are the technically armed and fully equipped facilities that are particularly set up to handle, organize and manage telephone calls from the world wide customers. Call Center are intrinsically intended to offer highly fluent and smooth as wel...

18th February 2011

Call Center Outsourcing- Free Helpful Information For Call Center Outsourcing

A call center representative is the individual that answers calls or provides phone calls. They doubtless manage calls singly or exchange it to larger levels if her experience doesn't be enough. As you hunt for Call Center Outsourcing related informat...

17th February 2011

Services Related to 0845 Numbers

The 0845 numbers used in the UK are NGNs charged at special rates. NGN indicates non-geographic, so there’s no location-based information. Special rate indicates a flat rate throughout the UK. In many cases, the provider charges it at the local rate, but ...

04th February 2011

Integrating Telephones and Computers: One of The Keys To Successful IT Lead Generation

Today's generation is for the IT industry. The world has been hungry to taste the products and services available for use from the Information Technology sector. This is so because we reap convenience, speed and accuracy in a particular action when we use...

01st February 2011

Why Speaker Systems Are Necessities For Official Environments

In this day and age, people are always moving about at all instances of time and cannot be called upon times of need, especially in office environments. In such scenarios, having an effective speaker selector system can do wonders, as people can be in con...

24th January 2011

Value of Non-Voice Services at Call centers

In today's times, many of the businesses borrow the help of BPO vendors to earn a competitive edge and also for the alteration of the heightened cost of In-house services. Choosing outsourcing would offer you to gain benefit of the services that these pro...

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