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Articles, tagged with "repayments", page 1

19th September 2011

Interest free beauty loan makes looking good long-term more affordable!

With cash strapped women still striving to look good, natural health and beauty pioneer, Club Cleo, has introduced a 0% interest payment plan, giving a helping hand to ladies who want to look good without breaking the bank. Offering tailored repayment...

04th July 2011

Reduce Tax Liability - Deductible Business Expenses

Expenses is a very large area of tax, and one of the most challenging as well, which is why we’ve written this blog post; to try and give you an idea of some of the expenses that you can claim. An expense is allowable as long as it was reasonably incur...

24th February 2011

Green Deal Scheme – Overview of the Initiative

The Green Deal is a pilot scheme to be introduced by the Government in 2012. Under this scheme domestic and commercial consumers will be able to get access to finance to undertake energy efficiency improvement measures to the properties. What is the pro...

01st December 2010

Earn Your Way Out If Debt

If you are considering bankruptcy or any kind of get out of debt arrangement there are a few things that you should consider. Anybody who offers you a service “ To Get You OUT OF DEBT” is usually not a Knight in shiny armor, they will get paid for their s...

23rd November 2010

Alleviate Tax Stress with a Tax Attorney

In the event the previously mentioned factors haven't put to ease your uncertainties or even worries associated with getting the aid of an IRS tax attorney or tax relief provider, then perhaps this particular cause may be enough. The majority of us could ...

19th July 2010

Cell phones now are credit card processing machines

Cell Phones are certainly not just for talking any considerably more, they may be for developing funds too Cell Phone Credit Card Processing...Regardless of how you refer to it; its here to stay. It's the new, very cost effective, and scalable way of pro...

25th May 2010

Credit Repair after Divorce - Pick Up and Move on With Credit Repair Help after Divorce

There are so various situations where a man and a woman are married and share their debt along with having a joint account and the credit card have the name only of one partner. But in any case if they'll get divorced, in such condition the credit providi...

08th March 2010

The £5 Billion 'Protection Racket' Uncovered - PPI Misselling

As the UK economy comes out of recession and we start to count our banking casualties; LloydsTSB, RBS, Northern Rock just to name a few, some even more frightening financial news is about to come to light. The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has branded Paym...

03rd September 2009

Housing market: Past, Present & Future

It's been well publicised lately that the housing market is on the brink of a crisis - in fact, the crisis has hit the US already. As mortgages become harder to come by and homeowners begin to struggle with rising interest rates and lower demand from buye...

01st April 2009

Student Loans Consolidation Advice Student Loan Bad Debt Worries

Bad credit can spoil your credit report but this happens because of your past mistakes only. Financial problems ca hit upon you anytime without any indication but that does not mean that because of your impaired records you can not apply for loans. Your b...

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