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Articles, tagged with "conscious effort", page 1

26th April 2012

Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem

Kids sometimes have a hard time building and maintaining positive levels of self-esteem, particularly when they get to their pre-teen and teenage years of life. There are numerous things that can hinder good self-esteem such as school, learning new skills...

20th June 2011

Applying Shaving Cream for Men

First and foremost, if you take good care of your skin, it can slow down the aging process; that's why you find many middle age people still looking like they are in their early twenties.Of course, as we get older our body's natural mechanisms for skin ca...

23rd February 2011

It's Time for the Beauty Industry to Man-Up - Why the Beauty Industry Hates Men Part 4

It's Time for the Beauty Industry to Man-Up Industry History: Is it by Default or by Design? The history of an industry is often a tale more of default than design. That is, when we step back and trace the progression of an industry, we generally se...

17th January 2011

Sustainability During the Christmas Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Unfortunately, ‘tis also the season of huge piles of waste. Whenever the holiday season arrives, an additional 1 million tons of household waste is generated from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. That’s 25% more than the usu...

12th January 2011

Teeth Whitening- Free Helpful News For Teeth Whitening

It is a good we currently have a lot of tooth bleaching systems that are effective as well as safe. With these teeth lightening products, we now don't need to spend as much or show our teeth to potential problems. Here are some practical home teeth lighte...

08th June 2010

The Very Best Way To Obtain Affordable Lap Band Surgery

If you have been fighting the "bulge battle" and have repeatedly discovered your self coming up just that small bit brief, you have most likely regarded a number of options to assist you win this fight. From weight-loss supplements, to pills, towards th...

14th May 2010

How to Make a Building More Energy Efficient

Each day, thousands of people make a conscious effort to "go green" and become more eco conscious. While Al Gore may have popularized the idea in the documentary An Inconvenient Truth, citizens of the world have been banding together for years to help sa...

21st April 2010

How to Soundproof your Home with QuietRock

Sound from your own home theater or sound system can turn around a bad day, immerse you in another world and, according to officials seeking means for population control in India, can even keep you occupied until you fall asleep. On the other hand, if ...

22nd February 2010

Eco-Friendly Business Solutions

Why Eco Friendly? Today, many businesses are going green. One area of business that is easy to overlook when growing green is your business cards. Many companies and governments around the world are addressing the most important issue of our time: GLOB...

17th November 2009

Finding a Way to Add Recycling Efforts to Your Renovation Project

Twenty years ago or even as short of a time as ten years ago, recycling was a smaller niche market --Only the most modern of communities were recycling on a large scale. But today, even the most "non recycling" type person has been touched by the world w...

22nd October 2009

Date After Divorce: Tips And Advice

It is said that marriages are made in Heaven. True, since every human being on this earth manages to find his/her better half among the crowd. Call it divine intervention or destiny, marriages on earth takes place in this way only. But is breaking up a ma...

01st August 2009

Advantages of Using Organic Maternity Clothing

Today's earth is a hotbed for diseases and pollution. There isn't enough focus on the environment and as a result the situation is getting worse. It's high time that we rose to the challenge of setting things right. Especially, if you are an expectant mot...

09th April 2009

Grow healthy long hair

It is a dream for many to grow long, beautiful and healthy hair and fortunately it is not an extremely difficult process at all. It does not involve the expensive hair products traded by salons, expensive vitamins, or any sort of surrender to get the same...

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