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Articles, tagged with "habit", page 12

17th September 2009

Benefits of Toll Free Number

From a marketing perspective, it can be said without fear of contradiction that any advertisement - be it on electronic or print media - a toll free number is sure to attract larger response. Businessmen who use toll free numbers are fully aware of the be...

16th September 2009

Choosing the correct hair color tone

Hair tone is still another really significant matter to looking lovely. Before, you are more or less stuck with the hair tone nature has given you. These existing times though have substantially altered that fact and made everything much humor. Hair dyes ...

15th September 2009

Dry Chapped Lips - Is Your Lip Balm Part of the Solution Or Part of the Problem?

There's probably no more delicate or widely used part of your body than your lips. And just as your skin is prone to dryness and even damage from exposure to the elements, so too are your lips. In fact, your lips are a lot more sensitive than the rest ...

03rd September 2009

Smoking Bans & Collectivism

I quit smoking on Oct. 14th, 1996. I did so cold turkey. Everyone was amazed that I was able to quit after smoking one and a half to two packs a day for fifteen years. I´ve stayed quit for over eleven years now. Since I´ve quit I´ve felt much healthier...

01st September 2009

Beauty Tips

Everyone wants to look the absolute best they can, that's completely natural. But how can you improve your appearance and make your face look beautiful? Well there are a few tips and solutions that you can use. Clean One of the most important things is ...

24th July 2009

Compare Gas and Electricity Prices to Avail the Best Deal

There are various website where you can compare gas and electricity prices to get the most suitable services and deals. And comparison is one of the primary ways to bag yourself a genuine gas and electricity service provider. Apart from the listing these ...

16th July 2009

Why is Losing Weight So Tough?

If you've been on the diet treadmill then you know just how tough it is to lose weight. We all want to look great and we all want to have that body that we know we would be happy with, but why is it that so few people ever get there. Why is it so hard and...

07th July 2009

What is Windows mobile voip?

You might have heard of Windows mobile voip and it may be just a collection of words and letters. However, Windows mobile voip is set to be the new big thing, so if you have a smartphone it is definitely in your best interests to at least know what it is...

08th June 2009

10 tips for successful hair removal at home

Depilation is an obsession with many women which they can go on talking for hours without getting tired. Especially among girls than among boys, the hair is the major question! When will they grow? How to rid them? But now you can discover here some trick...

04th June 2009

Top 10 tips on how to find me-time

Do you never have any time for yourself? Are you bored of sounding like a stuck record as you plead with your kids to tidy their rooms, brush their hair or help with the dishes? Do you struggle to watch your favourite soap?Here are some great tips to get ...

11th May 2009

Offers and Discounts on Buying Mobile Phones Online

Offers and discounts are the best means of driving sales of any products. Have a look at the online mobile stores and you will come to know how the mobile retailers are earning plenty of profits. When a mobile retailer allows offers and discounts on its m...

12th March 2009

Exercise to Burn Down Extra Calories

An effective measure for weight loss is cutting down unnecessary calories stored in form of fat by doing regular exercise. Exercise helps in controlling the weight by utilizing excess calories that otherwise be remain stored as fat in the body. Physical a...

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