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Articles, tagged with "world economy", page 1

05th January 2012

Envy of Capitalism

Most of the countries in the present day economy are working based on Capitalism. Is Capitalism leading the human community on the right track? Is it distributing the world resources equitably among the people? Are we leading towards a real growth in worl...

08th June 2011

Be Well-known about Latest economic news

In this tough economical situation people always need to be updated with economic News. Earning lots of money is actually not enough. Side by side you have to know the process of utilizing money. Most of the people feel confused at the time of investing t...

07th June 2011

Be Updated with Latest Financial News

In this tough economical situation people are always busy to earn more and more money. Earning money is actually not enough. Side by side it is also needed to invest your hard earned money to make huge profit. It is not an easy job to invest money to a sa...

03rd May 2011

Value of News in Globalization

There are only few industries left which are not being affected by the recent recession and one of them is obviously news and media. The media industry is helping people to go global. Once you are with the global industries you will be totally internation...

13th April 2011

Current Affairs 2011: Economic and Corporate

There have been a lot of things happening in 2011. The New Year has brought along many good things and many bad things, if somebody is enjoying victory over a hard earned achievement, somebody else is crying over the death of a loved one. These current af...

06th April 2011

Peter Orszag: Outside of Work

Peter Orszag might be one of the most influential and leading economists in the world, but that doesn’t mean his whole life revolves around economics. Instead, Peter Orszag has healthy interests outside of his work and is regularly involved with a number ...

23rd March 2011

The Wall Street Scam: Securitization Is Illegal

Along with all of the other revelations of Banks being found guilty of perpetrating fraudulent foreclosures, by forging and fabricating foreclosure documents, the exposure of deposition testimony by robo-signers who have admitted their fraud, and the bank...

16th March 2011

How To Save Money On Groceries and Food

How To Save Money On Groceries and Food If you have read or heard any news lately, you have to have heard that many things are increasing in cost, and one of the areas having the greatest price increases is in the area of food and groceries. The rea...

24th February 2011

Frederic Gaspoz on Agriculture and Climate

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”), world agriculture must undergo significant changes in order to meet the related challenges of achieving food security and responding to climate change. For Frederic Gaspoz, the most important fac...

17th February 2011

The Crude Oil Price Story

Prices for Oil are very volatile and change each and every second. What causes the crude prices to change so frequently? We will try and find answer to this question in this discussion. To begin with let us understand why crude oil is so expensive or w...

23rd September 2010

Tough decisions to overcome tough times

David Cameron's call for tough measures, austerity and slashed expenditure to overcome the enormous fiscal deficit comes as no surprise; a Prime Minister saddled with a 156 billion pound deficit could not have acted differently. While his speech placing t...

21st January 2010

Information About Haitian News

Visit us for more information on Haiti , Haiti News and Haitian News.They are providing you with regular news done in both articles and video but also live TV from Haiti. The TV feed is great and easy to see and use. What better way to see what is going o...

08th January 2010 Reports U.S. imposes duties on imports of wire decking from China

The U.S. government slapped preliminary anti-dumping duties on imports of more than 300 million dollars worth of wire decking from China, the Commerce Department said in a statement on Tuesday. The department claimed that it preliminarily found dumpin...

07th January 2010

Replacing Kyoto with an Universally Acceptable Treaty

The Copenhagen Climate Conference of 2009 was doomed to failure before it ever began. The division between the major polluters and the rest of the world was just too wide. Even the two largest polluters, the USA and China, could not agree with each othe...

07th January 2010 Reports China a leader in global emerging auto markets in 2010: report

The emerging markets of China, India and Brazil will lead the way in global auto sales in 2010, a report said Tuesday. The U.S. market, meanwhile, was expected to see a double-digit increase and will lead the growth of mature markets in 2010, said the...

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