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Articles, tagged with "lifetime", page 11

22nd November 2009

Why Do I Need Good Quality Cutlery

Buying knives is no small task. Chefs protect their knives like they protect their cars. Culinary students will go into even more debt to purchase a set of knives that will last them a lifetime. Even Martha Stewart had special cabinetry installed in her n...

18th November 2009

When Nana and Gramps Decide To Move…

When Nana and Gramps decide to move into a "community of active seniors," they may not be willing to downsize everything - just yet. That is why self storage is an ideal option for "newly-relocating" seniors. It provides them with the flexibility to res...

16th November 2009

Wooden Easels for Children

Children thrive when their natural creative talents are encouraged. There are many things that parents can do to encourage creativity, but a wonderful idea that you might want to consider for your children is helping them express themselves through art. ...

13th November 2009

Saving Taxes With The Spouse Trust

A spouse trust is a trust account which can be established to give your spouse the ability to defer taxes as well as to protect the family interests. This act settles that only the spouse can use the estate and no one else, during his lifetime. Upon your ...

28th October 2009

Various kinds of wedding rings for you

Wedding day comes just for one time in a man's or a woman's life. Therefore it is true that the bride and groom will wear the wedding rings for just one time in their life. It is also a fact that they will wear it throughout their lifetime. So in selectin...

27th October 2009


By JW in Family
ONEST PARENTING +++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHICH ROAD DO I HAVE TO TAKE TO REAR A GOOD CHILD? --------------------------------------- Throughout the parenting process, you'll find yourself thinking and even daydreaming about things like the wonde...

23rd October 2009

You Only Have One Shot At Being a Honest Parent

Honest Parenting Which road do I have to take to rear a good child? The basic parenting equipment that we have is the way in which our very own parents brought us up. Being a first time parent is hard enough. The process of being a new parent....

21st October 2009

Where to Find Cheap London Theatre Tickets

London has some of the best theatre scenes in the world. A wonderful performance under the bright lights of West End is an experience of a lifetime for a tourist or any passionate theatre lover. There are hordes of theatre enthusiasts in the United Kingdo...

21st October 2009

Stop Divorce Book

The consequences of divorce are far reaching. It touches the comfort of everyone in your family for years to come. The children of the Parents who are in the process ofDivorce, never asked to be here. Contrary to popular believe that "God gave you ...

16th October 2009

Child Custody Attorneys-Know the Answers to These 12 Questions

Child custody attorneys are a dime a dozen. And there are the good, bad and ugly so it is essential that you choose the right one for you. This article will set out 12 questions you need to know the answers to. 1. What is your experience of child custo...

16th October 2009

Durability of Photos to Canvas: Four Ways to Make Them Last a Lifetime

Comparing your photos to canvas with your usual digital prints, you will certainly have a more durable option in the former. With this being said, you are tasked to take care of the pieces properly.Photos to canvas require some investment. This concept is...

15th October 2009

Luxury cushions: Add a luxury to your lounge room

Not everyone is peculiar about the cushions resting inside their lounge room. Many of us would just buy them and hardly use them. But not everyone is alike. Some people really care about the ambience of their sweet home and purchase everything to make it ...

24th September 2009

Tips For Green Living and Why They Are Important

Going "green" has turned into a significant social movement these days. More and more people are realizing that we don't live on a planet with inexhaustible resources and at some point, perhaps even as soon as our children's lifetime, we will either start...

15th September 2009

How beneficiary is metal roofing?

Metal roofing is the most common type of roofing and is used in offices, houses, factory and many other places also. This is a very good type of roof type which will last for a long period of time. This is a very hard and strong material which acts very e...

11th August 2009

Cutting Boards...Wood Or Synthetic?

One of the great questions which has been tossed around for years in the cooking world is whether a Cutting Board should be made of Wood or Synthetic materials. Since both types of cutting boards have both good and bad qualities, neither can be considered...

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