Excellent Chinese Artist Luo ZhongLi Oil Painting Art Appreciation --- Father

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 17th July 2009


Painting Title: Father

Painting Size: 165*220cm

Category: Superrealism Oil Painting

Created Year: 1980

About Artist Luo Zhongli::

Mr.Luo Zhongli, originally comes from Bishan County, Sichuan province, China, who was born in Chongqing suburb in 1948, under the influence of his father, Luo Zhongli began to study painting in his early age.

In 1968 Luo Zhongli graduated from the middle school affiliated to Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, after then he went to the rural villages in Ta-pa Mountains initiatively and lived there for ten years.

In 1978 Luo Zhongli was admitted to enter the oil painting department at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts to study oil painting art, and graduated in 1982 and acted as a teacher in the college.

During 1983 to 1986 Luo Zhongli went to Belgium to take a study, he entered in Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts to study oil painting and get a master degree.

In 1984 and 1985 Luo Zhongli held his individual oil painting exhibition in Brusssels(Belgium) and Boston(U.S.A.) successively.

Now Luo Zhongli is a vice-professor at SiChun Academy of Fine Arts, director of China Artists Association, President of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1980 Luo Zhongli was been known by the world for his super realism oil painting work "Father", this oil painting work with a grand cenotaph style layout, described a typical figure of Chinese farmer in a affectionate manner, and has moved numerous Chinese people's hearts, as well as been reputed as a flag of Chinese Artists in twenty century 80s.

Main Honors of Luo Zhongli:

Oil painting work "Father" won the golden prize of the 2nd the Chinese Youth Exhibition of Fine Arts and now be collected by Chinese Art Museum, Sichuan Excellent Works prize;

Oil painting work "Spring Silkworms" is collected by Harvard Na Gallery;

Two piece of oil painting works of "Pa Mountain Oil Paintings in Series" were collected by Chinese Art Museum.

In 1992 Taiwan "Shan Art Culture and Education Foundation" set up the "Luo Zhongli Oil Painting Scholarship"
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Tags: oil painting, realism, art museum, oil paintings, chinese art, academy of fine arts, silkworms