Positive Weight Loss Made Easy

By: Rachell | Posted: 08th July 2009

Dieting and Burning Fat with Positive Thinking

If you are needing great and accurate established techniques on how you can better reach your weight loss goal; then the information in this article is for you! In light of those of use wanting to lose weight, this inspiring quote is true: 'Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will'. - Zig Ziglar. Before you begin a weight loss journey, you need to believe you can lose weight and reach your goals. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will begin to change. If you don't feel positive or have a hard time believing you can lose weight, then begin speaking out loud positive words about yourself. Say things like "Today I am going to make myself proud"; "I can do this, I WILL look great"; "It's time to burn off fat and that is what I'm going to do TODAY" or say whatever else helps keep you motivated.

1. Practical Weight Loss Goals: Every dieter wants to lose weight, get healthy and expect impressive results. Unfortunately when they do not see the weight coming off, they can get discourage and end up going back to their old unhealthy lifestyle habits. Therefore it is vital for you to write down each goal that will be easier for you to reach. Losing weight can be very challenging, especially if you spent years putting it on. A good rule of thumb is to write down your goal to lose 2 pounds a week, with the focus on getting healthy. This type of goal setting is extremely physically possible and can help keep you motivated and on your way to your overall goal.

2. Quick and Easy Weight Loss: Weight loss is never an easy short process and many people are searching for a fast weight loss program. I have tried most of them myself and have spent thousands of dollars on products and programs over the years. In reality, exercise is certainly one of the best things you can do to enhance any weight loss program. In order to burn fat, the principle things to remember are to eat low calorie foods that are healthy, low in saturated fat and retaining a regular exercise program.
Truth be told, many of us are so anxious they try to lose weight almost overnight for an upcoming special occasion they don't care about putting their health first. Steer clear of fad diets. Unfortunately potential dieters can get the wrong impression from advertisements and jump on the latest quick fix only to be disappointed. Before you begin any diet or exercise program, be sure to speak with your family physician. This will help to keep your goals in check and give you the advantage of knowing you are proceeding in a way that is best for your overall health and success.

Interesting To Know: Exercise increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, helping to improve mental clarity.

3. The Benefits of Exercising: Being devoted to new lifestyle changes including exercise programs such as; walking, water aerobics and joining a gym, coupled with positive thinking, can help you lose weight effectively and continue to be successful in maintaining your weight. Weight loss is certainly doable and with correct dietary changes that includes some type of regular exercise, such as aerobic walking several days a week. For many people, just by taking time to walk 3-5 days a week and add an increased amount of water intake alone are key factors for losing weight.

4. Weight Loss with Water: Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol, is inexpensive and readily available, plus it is a natural appetite suppressant and it helps the body to metabolize fat at a much faster rate. Recent studies have shown that decreases in water intake will negatively affect your metabolism and cause you to either stop losing weight or gain some weight back. You can actually burn an extra 50 to 100 calories a day by drinking just 4 to 8 cups of ice cold water.

Dieting Tip: Our body's can confuse thirst with hunger, next time you feel hungry try drinking a glass of water before grabbing a bite to eat.

5. Treating Yourself Right: If you don't give yourself permission to have a healthy snack during the day, you may end up binging that night. To be successful, you need a eating plan that will work with your lifestyle and tastes. If you severely limit your food intake or if you decided to completely stop eating your favorite foods, you are more apt to end up binging at some point in your diet. Don't feel guilty about having an occasional, but modest treat snack or meal can be part of your weekly meal plan. Don't get carried away; otherwise you will interfere with your progress. Plan your meals and snack ahead of time, especially for the weekends when there are more temptations to eat the wrong things.

When it comes to maintenance, heed the wise words of Socrates: "The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live". Also consider the words of Maxim ...'Diet cures more than the doctor'.
Regina likes creating articles on various subjects and hopes that readers will be informed by her unique perspective.

To see additional discussion on weight loss, remember to look at a good weight loss site.

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Tags: thousands of dollars, rule of thumb, hard time, goal setting, positive thinking, zig ziglar, losing weight, impressive results, negative thinking, weight loss goals, dieter, weight loss journey, loss weight, lifestyle habits, favorable results, weight loss goal, unhealthy lifestyle, easy weight loss