Why Chuck Norris Jokes Are So Great

By: nlwest21 | Posted: 30th June 2009

Chuck Norris is an icon of how you are able to a macho man and the best ninja you may ever be. It is something that most women do not realize and we really don't care to. It seems though that men worship him and even create jokes of him.

While many jokes are thought to make fun of the people they are centering on these seem to have the contrasting result. Instead of working to make fun of the way he appears, talks, or fights the jokes are fashioned to reveal all of his pluses. To give you a thought of what we are trying to say we have found a few of the most ordinary jokes that you are sure to enjoy.

The bulk of men wear Superman pajamas to bed. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

Every time the boogeyman goes to sleep he looks in his closet and checks to ensure Chuck Norris is not there.

Waldo is hiding away because of Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. This is because his heart knows better then attack him like that.

Chuck Norris does not have to bowl a strike. When he knocks down just one pin the other pins fall down and faint.

The Manhattan Project was produced to build nuclear weapons that can recreate the awesome power of the Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. Regrettably they did not have the ability to come close to it.

Chuck Norris has decided to sue the rights to NBC's hit show Law & Order. Obviously those are the names of his left and right legs.

Aliens do exist. They are simply too afraid to invade Earth while Chuck Norris is still alive.
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Tags: sleep, nbc, legs, superman, checks, heart attack, jokes, pajamas, pins, aliens, pluses, ninja