Excellent Chinese Artist Yan-Ping Oil Painting Appreciation --- Mother and Son

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 30th June 2009


Yan-Ping People Oil Painting Appreciation — Mother and Son

Women love flowers, so does many female artists. In the "Mother and Son" and "Small Troupe" series oil painting works created by Yan-ping, flowers are often been seen, in addition, she also has created a number of independent still life flowers, she painted large Gerbera, peony, etc.. From those flowers in full bloom, Yan-ping not only has seen vitality and joy, rich colors, but also has seen declines when the flowers walk from bloom to fade, with flowers come and go she enjoyed bitters and sweets of life, as well as the short life.

Artist Yan-ping emphasis more on emotions expression, with her favorite pink colors, with flexible lines she controlled freely, with the picture structures composed by shapes and colors, she enjoyed the limitless funs of the painting creation and show the beauty she has found, as well as deliver her thoughts and secrets that hidden in the bottom of her heart quietly…

Yan-Ping is an emotional artist, but she also has her own independent thoughts for the life and art.

Her paintings draw the joy of life, also draw sad and dreariness behind of joy…

About Artist Yan Ping::

Yan-Ping, female, was born in June, 1956 in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China. In 1989 he entered the oil painting seminar at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Now she is acted as one of professor taught in College of Xubeihong Art, Renmin University of China.

Had attended the first due of national oil painting exhibition held by China Fine Art Museum, "93 years of Chinese Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting" and achieved the silver medal, attended "Chinese Oil Painting Biennale" and achieved nominated award, attended the "China Modern Art Exhibition" in the United States and so on.

Oil painting work "Sister-in-Law in Mine" was selected to attend "the Sixth National Art Exhibition" and won an Outstanding Award, and now collected by the National Art Museum of China.

Publications: Individual Oil Paintings Collection "Waiting for Your Flowers Open"(published by Zhejiang Fine Arts Publishing House)About the Author
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Tags: rich colors, oil painting, shapes and colors, full bloom, academy of fine arts, art exhibition