My Dad

By: jacobrudolph | Posted: 28th June 2009

My dad was a driver of a textile corporation and he was laid-off several years ago due to the bankruptcy of this company.But he didn't feel dejected and gave it up to find a new job to earn money,because he knew he had a daughter to be fed,he must pay for her high tuition,if he don't work,this family couldn' afford the living expenses and my tuition.
He is a serious man,and seldom laugh.When I was young I was afraid to stay with him alone,I even felt nervous to talk to him.His work made him always away from home for a few days even half a month or longer,so everytime he went back,I was feeling unacquainted.My mom told me to call him dad,but I thought that was an uncle.In my memory he was a tall and handsome man.But as I grow up he go older and older .wow gold I can see deep furrows on his face and more and more white hair in his black hair.
He cared about my study very much,he would be very happy whenever i got a high grade,but if I got a C or D,he would be very angry,and didn't speak to me any word.I was young so I didn't realize that I must study hard,my tuition doesn't come sometimes im a little hate him,I think he don't concern about me ,he just care about my study.
The city which I spent my university life is far from my hometown.I came home every half year,and every time my dad called me,he will ask me about my studies。I was study hard in university because of the high tuition,and I also don't want to waste time.Bit by bit,I became understand logic that motivates of my dad. But I still don't like to stay with him,everytime he want to talk to me about something of my school life,I was just perfunctorily deal with his questions. I saw the disappointment and pain in his eyes.Due to the less communication between us in my childhood.I still feel uncomfortable to talk with him.
After I graduate and began to feed myself,I became to know that its very hard to earn money and to be independent.I realized how much pressure he must bore to afford the living expenses of my family and my tuition.
I bought a shoe for him last time I went home,when I get off the train,I saw him looked around anxiously in the crowd.I called him "Dad",I saw the smile on his face,and he couldn't hide his exciting and talk with me all the way until we got home.I bring the shoes and pass to him.He was excited like a child.He wear it on and said "nice,very suitable,haha isn't it?"
After stayed in home for about 1 month,I came back to the city where im working at.And I call him at least once a week,I know he worry about me every minute.I talk to him about the weather in my city and my work ,my life,He was very interesting about it and sometimes give me some advices.
I know now who loves me the most in the world,and I will love my dad forever.
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Tags: disappointment, money, memory, logic, few days, mom, living expenses, dad, bankruptcy, new job, hometown, expe, black hair, bit by bit, wow gold, white hair, handsome man, half year, furrows