Lowering Necessary Expenses to Improve Your Lifestyle

By: Ki Gray | Posted: 12th June 2009

As living costs (along with seemingly every other cost these days) continue to climb, many people are finding their budgets getting tighter and tighter, and are looking for ways to cut their necessary costs each month. Things like electricity, rent and grocery bills can't go unpaid, but there are ways to cut costs (without sacrificing too much) to help you stretch your budget and make the most of your financial situation. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

Rethink your living situation.
Statistically, no more than 25 per cent of your monthly income should go toward housing costs (rent). As evidenced by the current housing and mortgage crisis, many Americans are ignoring this rule of thumb and significantly overspending on housing. If you fall into this category, it may be wise to re-examine your housing needs (distinguishing them from your housing wants you don't, in fact, need to live in a brand new condo). Do you really use all the space you have? If so, look at your neighborhood, are you overpaying for location? If so, how important is that location to you? Housing is perhaps the largest area where costs can be cut, so think carefully about what you need, and what you could save by making a change.

Become more energy conscious.
The cost of heating, cooling and powering a home can get extremely high, particularly if your household isn't particularly conservative when it comes to electricity use. Leaving lights on when no one is in a room, running the air conditioner 24 hours per day, and leaving the TV or computer on when no one is using it can wreak havoc on your electricity bill. Encourage family members to watch for poor energy usage, and try to correct the problem. Use a fan instead of the air conditioner on milder days. Turn off lights and open windows on a sunny afternoon. When you're done using the computer, turn it off.

Maximize your food budget.
Instead of eating out, or overspending on over-the-top items for fancy dinners at home, be more frugal with your grocery spending. Simple, inexpensive ingredients can turn out gourmet meals as well as steak and lobster all it takes is some creativity and a good recipe. Also, plan your menus a week or so in advance, and coordinate them to maximize use of similar ingredients. This way, you can make enough of a core ingredient (chicken, for example) all at once, and use it in different recipes for several days in a row. Not only will this save money, it also saves time in the kitchen, as well as energy usage.

There are many simple things you can do every day to stretch your budget and get more value for your money. Get the whole family involved to help your children learn the importance of conservation, plus, with their help, you'll likely see results even more quickly. Not only will smarter spending benefit your bottom line, but being more conscientious of your energy expenditure will help you ultimately develop a more sustainable lifestyle.

Ki is a real estate agent in Austin. His site is a guide to Austin real estate. It also provides information on mortgage interest rates along with a map search of the Austin MLS.
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Tags: rule of thumb, budgets, neighborhood, havoc, financial situation, mortgage, family members, air conditioner, open windows, household, grocery bills, electricity bill, housing costs, heating cooling, energy usage