Cell Phone Lookup, Thanks for Making My Day Easier!

By: Elena Tentser | Posted: 06th June 2009

If there is one thing one can count on in this uncertain world, it's the cell phone lookup. Here's the deal: my sister is moving back to the Estados Unidos from Panama. Yeah, she's been trying her hand at making a fresh start halfway across the world, but it's not that easy. I guess the time to admit defeat and the fact that no matter how bad it gets here, it's always even worse almost everywhere else, has come. Hopefully things will keep getting better at home economically, because she needs a job. But that's beside the point.

The point I am trying to make is she forgot to tell me her new phone number. She'd canceled her contract with her cell phone carrier before leaving the States over a year ago, and used a prepaid phone while abroad. Now she has reestablished her service – she'll be back any day now – but couldn't keep the old number for some reason. That's fine and dandy but I can't call her now and discuss the details of her arrival and other stuff she may need first thing back at home.

Okay, I can call mom. Nope, she's not answering. Okay, I can look and see if she'd updated her Facebook profile with her new number. Not there either. All right, when all else fails, there are three magical words that always work out for me: cell phone lookup. Have you ever tried it? It's amazing how helpful this online tool is when it comes to finding people's contact information, their name, age and address, even their criminal records, if any exist and you're interested at finding them. I am pretty sure my sister doesn't have a criminal record, and if she does, I don't want to know. What I do need is her new cell phone number.

What'd I tell ya! Cell phone lookup comes through every time! There it is, plain and clear, my sister's new phone number on my computer screen. I wish it was as easy to resolve all our other issues!

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Tags: job, computer screen, online tool, mom, fresh start, finding people, criminal records, cell phone number, criminal record, phone carrier, cell phone lookup