Mars, the Martial Commander of Heaven

By: Govind Kumar | Posted: 06th June 2009

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. This is the very powerful Red Planet ( because of the presence of iron oxide present on its surface).

Mars resembles the earth in many respects, particularly in its sidereal periods and seasonal cycles. Of all planets in the solar system, Mars is most likely to harbour Life and water.

His Aphelion is 1.665861 AU, his perihelion 1.381 497 AU, his eccentricity 686,971 day, his semi-major axis is 1.523 679 AU, sidereal period 1.88 years and his synodic period 2. 135 years

He has two satellites, Phobos and Deimos, who were mythologically his companions in war. In Roman Mythology, he is the Roman god of war, born to Juno and Jupiter. He is the husband of Bellona and the lover of Venus.

In Greek Mythology, he is Ares, the lord of bloodlust, rather than the Olympian god of war. He was born to Zeus and Hera. Ares is another noun meaning war. Ares is derived from the Greek word Ara, which means destruction and revenge, bane, ruin, curse, imprecation.

Ares' half-sister Athena was also considered to be a war deity, but then she symbolised strategic warfare. Ares on the other hand represented unpredictable violence.

It is said that Mars makes widows of women. He is the war lord and his action ( war ) creates widows !

Mythologically, he is the son of Earth. He was nourished by the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, the constellation of Karthika. Hence he is called Karthikeyan !

Amongst the deities, he is Muruga, the six faced ( Bhauma Kumaro Smritha ). He can be Kali, if his Amsa is in feminine signs ( like Taurus & Libra, which are ruled by Venus. Kalyadya kuja rasi gascha dharanee putra sutha Shanmukha ).

Numerologically, he represents the number Nine, the number of materiality or Man.

The role of Mars in Horoscopy

Mars dons the garb of the Defense Minister in the Government of the
Almighty. On the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of
administrative ability. If the fire of Mars is not present in the natal
chart, the nativewill be a dreamer, lacking in the practical brilliance
needed for success.

The terms martial, martial law, martial arts, are all derived from Mars.
Police,defence, martial arts - all these come under his domain. Fiery
temparament and skill in war are the prerogatives of Mars. If he
be exalted in one's horoscope, or powerfully posited in own house,
the native will become a cruel ruler ( as in Emperor Nero's horoscope).

Transit Mars causes economic problems in the second house
(Vithe Vithakshaya ) , professional rise in the third
( Aye Brathurdwishad upagathau sthana manadi labham ) ,
in the fourth and the fifth fear of misery ( Atha suhrud
putrage klesha bheethim ) , in the seventh health hazards
( Kame rogan ), in the eighth loss of money, mental
tension, health problems, unnecessary wanderings ( Kurvanthi
pranasandeham sthan bramsam dhanakshyam ) and in the
Tenth impediments ( bhaume bhangam dishathi dasame ).

Martian Effects in the 12 Houses

Mars in the First House

Mars in the Ascendant makes fiery, prone to anger. May have
suffered some wounds in the body and wont have much longevity.
Will be suffering from one ailment or the other. Will be fickle-
minded, adventurous and cruel.

Mars in the Second House

Will have less wealth, as malefic Mars can destroy wealth.
Less academic education also. Will be serving people
who are not good. Will be argumentative.

Mars in the Third House

Will be very adventurous & adamantine. Will enjoy wealth ,
fame & all sorts of comforts. Versatile, the native will have
good longevity and a tendency to go against Ethics & Morality.
There will be rise in professional status

Mars in the Fourth House

Mars in the Fourth destroys all Fourth House significations like
relatives, houses, landed properties, maternal happiness &
conveyances. Will be subject to the influence of women.
Will be mentally tortured all the time.

Mars in the Fifth House

The position of Mars in the Fifth is not good for happiness
from children.Will face a lot of mental tension. There will be
a tendency to go against Ethics & Morality. Will be adventurous
& anger-prone.

Mars in the Sixth House

This position of Mars creates enemies galore. Will have a sound
physique and good health. Will have tremendous lust, fame &
regal status.

Mars in the Seventh House

Mars in the Seventh is the destroyer of marital bliss. Will be
indulging in unethical acts. Will be quarrelsome.

Mars in the Eighth House

Mars in the Eighth afflicts both mind and body. There will be less
wealth. Will have less longevity. Will have less Dharma & Ethics
in the mind.

Mars in the Ninth House

Mars in the Ninth makes one go against father.Will harass people. Will be
a lover of the Occult .

Mars in the Tenth House

Regal status will be conferred if Mars is in the Tenth. Also professional

( Dasame angarako nasthi jathake kim prayojanam ? )

Mars in the Eleventh House

Eleventh Mars will give sons, wealth, comforts, prosperity, virility
& determination.Will have a lot of subordinates. Will be truly versatile.

Mars in the Twelfth House

Eyes may be afflicted. Laziness manifests. Will suffer economic
loss. May have to undergo incarceration.Will be sorrowful & health
will be adversely affected. Will be miserly.

His stotra is

Dharani Garbha Sambhootham
Vidyut Kanchana Sannibham
Kumaram Shakthi Hastham cha
Mangalam Pranamamyaham

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions
arising from Mars. This is the moola sloka of Mars.

In Vedic Gemology, Mars represents Coral. Wearing this stone on
a Shukla Paksha Tuesday ( fifteen days after the New Moon )
will enhance the luck of the Nineians, those who are ruled by
the number of Mars.

His Peedahara Stotra is

Bhoomi Putro Maha Tejo
Jagatham Bhaya krith sada
Vishtikrith Vishtihartha cha
Peedam Harathu me Kuja

His mantra is

Om Angakaraya Namah

His Gayatri is

Om Veeradwajaya Vidmahe
Vighnahasthaya Dheemahi
Thanno Bhauma Prachodayath

Article by G Kumar, astrologer, writer & programmer of He has 25 years psychic research
experience in the esoteric arts. He gives free tips at and stock market investment
advice can be got at

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