Your Options for Tattoo Removal

By: Brian Vic | Posted: 29th May 2009

If you have a tattoo that you want removed for one reason or another, there are several methods available. Most of them are painful and expensive, requiring surgery, but there are a few at-home removal alternatives as well. This article will briefly describe the various procedures available for tattoo removal and the approximate cost of each procedure

Laser Removal

Many people use the laser procedure to remove tattoos. It is the most common method of removal, but the downside of the treatment is that it is painful, requires repeat visits, damages the skin and can cost anywhere from $250 to $850 per treatment. The treatment consists of using light pulses to break up the ink, then letting your body's immune system clear it away. Some have described the sensation of the process as having hot grease splattered on the skin. Advancements have been made in the technology so very little scarring occurs, but every case is different. Removing a large, colored tattoo can cost thousands of dollars with this method and although effective, perfect results cannot be guaranteed.


This surgical method works just the way it sounds. The top layer of skin is literally 'sanded' away by a rotating brush that utilizes abrasive friction. It is a very painful process and local anesthesia is often required. Swelling and scabbing of the area is usual and pain pills are often prescribed to help with recovery. The treated area can also become itchy and ointments have to be applied to gain relief. More than one procedure may be necessary. The median cost of this method of tattoo removal is approximately $984 dollars.


In this surgical procedure, the tattoo is literally cut out and the skin is either sewn back together or replaced by a skin graft cut from another part of the body. Which method that is used depends on the size of the tattoo. Naturally, this is a painful procedure, especially if a skin graft is necessary and there usually is scarring. The cost of this procedure varies greatly, depending on what needs to be done. Like any surgical procedure, the cost can be very high.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

This procedure is considered better than laser removal because it is less painful. Gel is applied over the tattoo and a wand emits light pulses that breaks up the ink much like a laser does. Because it is so effective, usually less treatments are needed than with laser removal. Unfortunately, the cost of this procedure can be much higher because you are charged by the pulse, which can be as much as $10 each. If your session requires numerous pulses, it can put quite a dent in your wallet or pocketbook.

Cream Removal

If you are concerned with cost, you can try the at-home method of tattoo removal. This requires applying a cream that over time destroys the ink beneath the skin and fades the tattoo away. Darker inks take longer to fade and the estimated time period for removal is approximately 9 months. Of course, it varies depending on the tattoo and how diligently the creams are applied. One such product that has received good reviews is TatBGone. The cost of these creams are not cheap, but much cheaper than the surgical procedures described above. TatBGone can cost $125 for a two month supply.

These are the options available for removing unwanted tattoos. If anything is to be learned from this article, it is that no matter the procedure you choose, it's not going to happen overnight so take your time and choose the procedure that's best for you.

The most effective and affordable tattoo removal cream is available at
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Tags: thousands of dollars, damages, downside, immune system, sensation, local anesthesia, friction, pain pills, laser removal, excision, tattoo, laser procedure