How To Make Great Beef Casserole

By: Anthony Parker | Posted: 20th May 2009

Casseroles have long been a reliable way of cooking sustaining winter meals. They are beneficial because there are few alternative ways of cooking that combine healthy dining with such a great blend of meat and vegetables important for maintaining good iron levels as well as adequate intake of general vitamins.

Another great thing about casseroles is they are relatively easy to cook to a consistently high standard. Casseroles also get better with age so reheating the casserole for second and third meals during the week is not a problem. You will find that the blend of flavors in this dish adds to the overall appeal of the recipe. The red wine blends exceptionally well with the beef and olives while the vegetable combination nicely complements the flavor of the other ingredients.

The other good news is that provided you use good quality lean steak and remove the fat from the meat there is nothing heavy or unhealthy about the beef content in this recipe. I strongly recommend it to anyone who has a weight problem or wishes to stay at a healthy body weight.


4 slices of porterhouse steak or 1 large slice of rump steak
8 button mushrooms
3 medium size carrots
Half a bunch of celery
3 small zucchinis
4 chats potatoes
500 grams of black olives or approximately 10 black olives
1 can of peeled tomatoes or 3 egg shaped fresh tomatoes
Medium size flower of broccoli (optional)
Small pack of frozen peas
1 medium brown onion
Cup of red wine (burgundy or merlot)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 cubes of beef stock
3 or 4 tablespoons of white plain flour
One to one and a half cups of Basmati white rice


Cut steak into medium size square chunks and place in bowl
Slice carrots horizontally into round pieces
Wash and strip leaves and dirty area from celery
Cut celery horizontally into medium size chunks
Wash and slice zucchinis into round pieces
Wash button mushrooms and leave uncut
Cut onion into small pieces
Wash and cut broccoli into small flowers


Use large frying pan or wok and large casserole dish
Heat tablespoon of oil in frying pan until bubbling slightly
Add uncut mushrooms to oil and sauté for 2 to 5 minutes then remove from pan or wok and place in casserole dish
Add sliced zucchini to pan or wok and sauté 2 to 5 minutes
Add extra tablespoon of oil to pan or wok
Add sliced steak and cook till half brown
Place sliced onion in pan or wok while steak still cooking
Remove steak and onion from pan or wok after around 10 minutes
Place half cooked steak and onion in casserole baking dish
Place all remaining vegetables (including tomatoes and olives) in casserole baking dish
Preheat oven on around 180 degrees centigrade for 20 minutes
Add cup of red wine and beef stock cubes to casserole dish

Reduce temperature to 150 degrees centigrade and place casserole in oven
Cook for one and a half to 2 hours
Remove dish from oven add plain white flour and stir into mixture
Cook for a further two hours between 150 and 160 degrees centigrade while removing from oven occasionally to further stir and mix in ingredients

Cook rice around 15 minutes prior to serving casserole and serve rice with meal. Usually feeds 4 to 6 people comfortably.

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Tags: flavors, celery, white rice, red wine, black olives, medium size