Family tree – a guide about your ancestors

By: Abraham Antony | Posted: 19th May 2009

These days many people have started to track their family's history by making a family tree. You must have heard about it but if you do not know what is it exactly, then here is a guide to help you.

Family tree

A family tree is actually a chart that represents the various relationships in a family in a structure that resembles a tree. Earlier the family tree was used in fields like genealogy, grenograms and the field of medicine for research purposes.

The format of a family tree

A family tree is usually designed in a way that it presents the oldest generations of a family at the top and the youngest generations at its bottom.

An ancestry chart is also a type of family tree. It is drawn like a tree and shows the ancestors of an individual. It is a little wider at the top than the bottom. In some of the family tree types, an individual can appear on the left side and his or her relatives especially the ancestors can appear to his or her right side.

There also is a family tree designed as a descendant chart. Such a family tree can depict an individual's descendants starting from the individual at the top and going down to be narrower at the bottom.

The themes of a family tree

The family trees can have a lot of themes. A certain type of family tree can cover all the descendants emerging from a single individual. Another type can actually list the easily known ancestors of a living person. Then there is one which can list all the people with a particular surname.

Then there are some family tree types, which do not exactly concern a family. For example, there can be a family tree that represents people who held a certain post or an office, like the kings of a certain kingdom. This type of a family tree also represents the various dynastic marriages that hold together a link between the various dynasties.

Making a family tree

A family tree can be made in two ways.

The first way involves you making your own family tree. You need to talk to the different members of your family and get some details about your family history. Then you can place them in order to form a family tree.

The second way involves using a professional service that can help you to form a family tree.

GDB Marketing Pvt. Ltd. launched online family tree maker.About the Author
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Tags: two ways, relationships, relatives, ancestors, medicine, generations, family trees, surname, descendants, family tree, dynasties