Don't Let Anyone Near Your Child Without a Background Check

By: Elena Tentser | Posted: 12th May 2009

What makes us trust others? Generally we tend to trust those we know well, those with actions we can predict with relative certainty and that indicate a morally healthy individual. And if we don't know someone that well and need to get closer in a hurry, well then, there is only one method of achieving that goal: a background check.
Then what, may I ask, was the mother in the following news story thinking? How, in her mind, a man's mechanical skills or the fact that he may have been good in bed qualified him as her daughter's babysitter?

Here's what happened: Kitsap County Superior Court charged a 36-year-old man from Bremerton, WA with a Level II sex offense - ongoing molestation of a 7-year-old girl whom he was babysitting. The girl's mother met this man when he repaired her car. She apparently felt she knew him well enough to let him babysit her little daughter for three whole months. Until one day the child told her mother the man tickled her, but she wasn't allowed to say more, or she would get in trouble.

I know, when we like someone we want to believe we can trust that person. But when it comes to the safety of your innocent child, mothers, put your fantasies aside. It's so simple to learn more about someone before letting him infiltrate your family. Just run a quick background check, and make sure there are no criminal records in his past and no other wives and children in every state. Then, go ahead, feel good about entrusting your precious little person to someone you know deserves your trust. Anything less translates into criminal negligence. Now think about that.

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Tags: hurry, old man, news story, fantasies, criminal records, old girl, little person, babysitter, little daughter