Funny photos to tease your laughter right away

By: Winson | Posted: 08th May 2009

People used to say "seeing is believing", I always believe that jokes can comes in any forms. The most effective way to looking at it rather to reading and understanding it, it must be those funny photos and funny pictures. As we know a picture worth than a thousands words by looking at a funny photo or funny video, it stimulates eye sight and ear sense which blow up your laughter right away.

"Laughter is a best medicine" is another old saying; surely enough that people live longer

if he or she is a cheerful person who takes thing easy and feel happy always. Funny jokes are essential in life as well as a spice in life. The best thing is it comes in natural and it is free at all. Just look things that happen around us. You will find some form of relaxation and distress during traffic jam or working under pressure.

I have a series of funny photos collection which not that easy to capture because we cannot predict that funny moment which it just happened at the time without having camera or video cam in hand.

Some of the good funny photos to share

i) a lamp post built in the middle in front of a house

ii) two ways up and down pipes

iii) a exit sign on a window

For more instant laughter rather than reading this article as action speaks louder than words. Checks out for more funny photos you may missed out,
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Tags: two ways, spice, pipes, checks, relaxation, traffic jam, eye sight, best medicine, lamp post, louder than words, funny pictures, funny jokes