Wow Cooking Guide

By: bransonseb | Posted: 17th April 2009

The online game World of Warcraft is one of the most popular computer games of any sort ever created. Around the globe, untold numbers of people enjoy the 3d fantasy adventure world of WoW - where your character can learn and use a wide variety of skills. So why a WoW cooking guide? One of these is cooking, a skill that while not essential, strictly speaking can be useful in that some of the foods you'll learn to cook at higher levels can give you some buffs and also earn you a tidy sum of money! This brief WoW cooking guide will attempt to get you started on your way to mastering this skill.

First of all, you're going to need fire if you want to cook; pretty much any fire you can find works. If there is no fire handy, you'll have to make a fire yourself. To do this you'll need the items Simple Wood and Flint and Tinder. You'll also need the ability Basic Campfire - you can learn this skil by training at a cooking trainer. Sorry, reading this WoW cooking guide won't give your character the skill (we'd do it for you if we could!)

Got fire? Good! Next you're going to need something to cook. Start with the simplest recipe; spice bread. You'll need to buy Simple Flour and Mild Spice for this. Hint: if you learn your cooking skill in Ironforge, you can start cooking on the fire outside the building, which will make things a little easier for the novice chef. Once you level up your cooking skill a bit, you'll be ready for something a little more challenging.

For Horde players:

You can hunt Mottled Boars (for Boar Meat) and Wolves, Stalkers and Darkhounds (for Stringy Wolf Meat) and cook these to level up your cooking skill a little farther. You can speed this up a little by cooking Spiced Wolf Meat, but you will have to remember to buy Mild Spice as well.

For Alliance Players:

At low levels, Crag Boars and Boars (for Boar Meat) and Wolves (Stringy Wolf Meat) are easy prey - the same tip for Spiced Wolf Meat applies for Alliance players.

Once you've reached level 50 as a cook, you'll want to train as a Journeyman Cook and then you'll be past the introductory stage of cooking skills and on your way to bigger and better things - Though this brief WoW cooking guide only covers the very basics, just you wait: Tender Wolf Steaks, Monster Omelets and Smoked Desert Dumpling await you at higher levels. Bon Appetit!About the Author
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Tags: sum of money, horde, easy prey, online game, campfire, world of warcraft, game world, tidy sum, buffs, stalkers