Jewish Defence League rallies Government to investigate Canadian peace groups

By: scopp | Posted: 25th March 2009

Jewish Defence League of Canada director Meir Weinstein, said today that any Canadian organization or individual that invited George Galloway to speak in Canada later this month, would be looked in to regarding their ties to terror groups.

"We want to make sure that the hate the Hamas organization teaches, will not reach children in Canada" Weinstein said during an interview with Channel 4 News in the UK. Mr. Weinsten, speaking from CBC Headquarters in Toronto, said that if Galloway attempts to speak in Canada via any other means, the JDL will "see to it that the Canadian Government will be monitoring every individual and organization that has anything to do with George Galloway".

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights, the Toronto Coalition To Stop The War, the Ottawa Peace Assembly, and the Canadian Peace Alliance are all organizers of the events starting March 30. Events are to be hosted by Concordia University, the Metropolitan United Church, and the Bronson Center. All, according to Weinsten, could be monitored, or examined for ties to terror groups.

Mr. Galloway has been democratically elected 5 times in the UK and speaks in Canada every year in all major cities. After an open letter from the Jewish Defence League, Galloway has has since been banned to enter Canada due to security concerns. The only way he can enter Canada, is from a special permit from Minister Jason Kenney. Kenney has said he will not allowing this to happen.

Mr. Galloway's Canada tour is over three days with the lecture titled "Resisting War from Gaza to Kandahar".
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Tags: security concerns, canadian government