Exercise to Burn Down Extra Calories

By: Mansi Gupta | Posted: 12th March 2009

An effective measure for weight loss is cutting down unnecessary calories stored in form of fat by doing regular exercise. Exercise helps in controlling the weight by utilizing excess calories that otherwise be remain stored as fat in the body. Physical activity or exercise not only helps in controlling weight but also keeps body safe from heart diseases and diabetes thus keeps body healthy and moving.

Under condition of over weight, the calories consumed by body exceeds the calories require by body to carry out its functions for an individual. The excess calories stored in form of fat are the primary cause for obesity. The extra calories stored by body can only be reduced by including extra physical activity in daily routine. Inclusion of exercise in habit is key to reducing weight after burning unnecessary calories.

In the beginning one can start practicing less exhausting exercises like walking, running and swimming in easy steps. Initial slower pace adopted for exercise helps body to adjust without straining it. Once the body gets accustomed to exercise, it can be paced up gradually from normal exercises to strenuous one.

One can choose an exercise according to his/her convenience and availability of time. Most popular and effective are Aerobic exercises including swimming, jogging, walking, biking and aerobic classes. Aerobic exercises can be done for longer period of time and involve large muscles that make the heart and lungs work harder. Aerobic exercises are not only beneficial in weight loss but also provide cardiovascular benefits.

Other convenient method of weight loss is inclusion of moderate intensity in the household activities a person performs at home. These activities for span of eight to ten minutes hardly make any adverse impact on health; however, exercise in this manner for 30 minutes daily can cut down considerable amount of fat from your body.

Person ailing from a cardiac problem should consult a doctor before getting into a full-fledged physical activity intensive weight loss program.
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Tags: habit, inclusion, period of time, 30 minutes, diabetes, weight loss, physical activity, muscles, lungs, span, heart diseases, obesity, excess calories, aerobic exercises, adverse impact, cardiovascular benefits, moderate intensity, household activities