Free Online Mortgage Offers Steps To Getting Your Mortgage Paid For FREE

By: pdopes | Posted: 11th March 2009

This article is hopefully going to explain many of the things people believe about mortgages that are actually false. The first thing to put straight is that it is not a loan, although they are normally referred to as a mortgage home loan. There are three terms that you need to learn that are used: the first is mortgagor (the property owner), the mortgagee (the company that takes on the security for the property) and the mortgage (the contract to pay between the two). This is in fact the document which ensures the financing of the property is safeguarded until the end of the term, usually twenty five years.

Without mortgages being available, people and many businesses would not be able to afford the full asking price of a property if it was required they pay this amount upfront. Misunderstandings on how the system works also create problems but the main points are dealt with during the rest of this article. The problem arises because so many people refer to the buyer as the Borrower and the financier as The Lender which leads people to believe that the money has been loaned which is not the case. A security measure designed for purchasing properties, called a lien, is enforced until the mortgage is cleared at the end of the term.

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The mortgagee's money is then protected by this knowing the property is in fact security against its own debt. Information about the lien is registered at a county courthouse, or similar, to ensure the contract is official and binding. While the property is owned now by the mortgagor, the lien cannot be reversed until the amount specified in the debt is paid off. So how this works is that the mortgagor (you) owns the property completely even though the mortgagee has possession of the mortgage but not the title.

However if the mortgagor or the owner defaults on his or her payments, the mortgagee has the right to dispose of the property to reclaim funds. This is the dreaded process referred to as foreclosure but if the property is used as security, then the foreclosure must go through the court system. The reason behind this process is to ensure the legal procedures have been followed and also why it is called Judicial Foreclosure. If you were unsure about the definition before and the subject surrounding it, I trust this information has been of use.
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Tags: money, twenty five years, mortgages, misunderstandings, property owner, possession, asking price, mortgagee, security measure, mortgagor, financier, county courthouse