Buy an acrylic flower painting and bring your walls to life

By: johnsmithseo25 | Posted: 29th April 2013

Want to add a new dimension to your apartment and make your walls come alive with a riot of colors? Buy an acrylic flower painting, a landscape, or may be even contemporary abstract art with an interesting arrangement of attractive colors for that vacant spot in your living room wall. This is one of the easiest ways to make your home or living room more warm and inviting.

Why acrylic? For those who are not aware, acrylic is a fast drying paint used by many modern and contemporary artists for the colors and textures achievable with this medium. There is an infinite range of possibilities to be explored. Artists are free to create anything from sculptural canvases to light and ethereal compositions.

Many contemporary artists have been known to add other materials to this medium to create a contrast in color and surface which makes the medium even more popular as a means of creative expression. Many prefer it over oil or water color because they can manipulate the medium to achieve some amazing abstracts, landscapes, and even flower representations.

While contemplating on renovating your home, some of you might be more interested in buying an art work in oil. Both oil and acrylic can be used to create some beautiful works of art and the quality you get would depend upon the genius of the artist you are purchasing from. There are pros and cons to both.

The acrylic paintings do not have the long and rich history of oil paints, dating back to as early as the 13th century. Compare this to the relatively recent history of acrylics, first available since the 1950s, and you would understand why the oil paintings have a separate clientele of their own. However, the positive energy and imaginative techniques of some of the best acrylics created by well-known artists would more than make up for it. Moreover, oil paintings also cost more than acrylic paintings.

Acrylic is perfect for people who want their art work to have bold, bright colors. Go online and browse through some of the works of reputed artists where they have recreated landscapes, abstract ideas, and flowers. The intense bright and long lasting colors add a new dimension to an acrylic flower painting and make it appear more real and life like.

As an art lover and collector, there are some other reasons why you would want to buy such a painting. The paints, even when they are applied in thin layers, are intense and bold. Another benefit of this medium is that the paintings using it do not fade or crack with age. Such a painting would not become yellow with time, as is the case of oil based works. Add to these benefits the rough, expressive feel to acrylic and you have a really potent combination.

So, all you art lovers out there who are contemplating on adding a new look to your home décor, this is as good as it gets. You can play it safe and go for an acrylic flower or landscape. There are some reputable online providers that offer original artworks in this medium by leading artists at competitive costs. You can browse through their online galleries and select a painting that appeals to your aesthetic sensibilities and touches a chord in you. However, while buying an acrylic flower painting or an abstract art online, make sure that it carries an authenticity certificate. This way, you can be sure you are buying nothing but genuine artworks from the masters.

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Tags: bright colors, new dimension, canvases, positive energy, rich history, water color, art work, creative expression, recent history, attractive colors, 13th century, oil paintings, contemporary artists, oil paints, renovating your home