Template To Create a Teen Behavior Contract

By: Jade Robinson | Posted: 17th January 2013

Feeling overwhelmed by your child’s behavior? Desperate to regain some kind of control of your teen? Then a teen behavior contract might be exactly what you need. Here you will find a template to create a teen behavior contract with, so you can focus on the finer details rather than writing our own contract.

It’s important that you personalize your teen’s behavior contract so that is appropriate for your family. It’s also crucial that you get your teen in on developing the contract, so it is something that they feel involved in – that will help ensure they stick to the contract and abide by its rules and regulations.

Sample Template to Create a Teen Behavior Contract

Personal Responsibility

Room must be keep clean, tidy and bed must be made daily. Weekly
room inspections on __________
Bathroom must be tidied after use
Help with household chores (be specific as to which ones and when)
Clean up after yourself around the house when you leave a room
Do your own laundry and putting away
No drugs or alcohol


Weekday curfew is ___ ask permission in advance if you want to stay out later
Friday and Saturday night curfew is ___ ask permission in advance to stay out later
When going out teen must tell parents:
Where they will be going
Who they will be with
If their plan changes
If teen wants to stay at a friend’s or for a friend to stay at their house, they must ask in advance
No boys in girls’ rooms and likewise, no girls’ in boys rooms


Attendance is compulsory
Homework must be completed on time
Must maintain at least a C average


Paid each week on _____ day
Allowance rate is ______
To earn extra allowance the teen can ______

Home Rules

Teen must act respectful to all family members at all times
Dinner shall eaten at the table together as a family, with no cellphones, iPods or other electronics at the table
At least one family outing/day together a month
Teen must respect other family member’s right to privacy
Teen must ask before using or taking someone else’s property
Teen must let parent(s) know when they use the last of something

This is a very basic teen behavior program, in order to make it work best for your teen and your family you should add in specific things that apply to your family. This can include certain behavior problems you have been having with your teen, specific hobbies or sports that they pursue. The key is to make the contract a perfect match for your family, so that you find yourself sticking to it.

You’ll need to introduce some effective consequences to ensure that your teen complies with this contract. From now on, everything they want is earned and not just handed to them.

This includes things like cellphone use, Internet and computer use, watching TV, playing games, driving privileges, pocket money – anything you can think of that your teen doesn’t need but wants. If they violate one of the home rules, then they lose access to one or more of their privileges and they cannot get it back until the make up the behavior. This is a great way of ensuring your teen complies with the contract!

By using this template to create a teen behavior contract you’ll be able to reshape your teen’s behavior while transforming your home. This template makes things easy, so there’s no reason not to get started today.

Have you ever used a contract in your home, did you find it useful? If you haven’t tried it yet, what’s holding you back? We’d love to hear from you.

Jade Robinson has more than 18 years of experience working with Teens and Adolescents. Using his experience, he has developed a system (called Home Contract) that allows parents to easily set up new boundaries and rules with their teens. It is an ideal and effective way to improve a particular habit by implementing a home based Behavior Contract. More details at HomeContract.OrgAbout the Author
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Tags: parents, homework, personal responsibility, household chores, laundry, girls, family members, alcohol, drugs, family member, ipods, family outing