Business Applications - Failures and Corrections

By: Mr. David | Posted: 30th October 2012

Even after developing a highly efficient business application, there are chances that it will face disapproval from its user because of some small elements which defames an application's usability.
Business applications are intended to solve various technical requirements of a user according to the type of task he wants to perform using that application. Moreover, the key concern of a successful business app is not to focus on the deployment rate of the application but its retention in user's routine.
Creating a business app is a difficult task in itself as developers not only have to design the functionality in the applications but have to design in order to get the maximum user engagement and their concentration. Most of the time applications fail to retain a number of users because of many reasons, some of them are explained here:
Features overloading: A famous quotation says, “More is always less” however this is not the case in developing business applications. Introducing unnecessary features in an application makes it more complex for developers to develop as well as for users to understand. In spite of providing a feature-rich application, a complex application is developed which is not welcomed by its users at all.
UI & UX: Expanded as User Interface & User experience, these are the key features contributing in the success of any business application. Apart from the functionality, user interface also contributes in improving the experience of the user. User asks for a highly intuitive, minimum inputs, visually appealing business application for optimal experience.
Neglecting Target audience: Deviating from the scope and objective of the application and developing an app without any previous analysis of requirements may cause failure of the application. If app doesn't satisfy the demands of the user, no chances of its acceptance remains.
Customization issue: Smart-phones have introduced the habit of customization in users. Mobile software development is also keeping sync with this changing trend of mobile devices and also providing a deep customization level in apps. So in the case of business apps, it is safe to say that applications introduced with no customization are more prone to rejection by the users. If the product is engineered specifically, a user may want to change the basic behavior of the application according to their requirements & if not full-filled, they simply reject it.
Slow performance: Response time, frequent crashes, loading time etc. are the parameters which a user uses to quantify the usability or quality of an application. If a user will not have a better value for these quantifiers, it is more likely that user will not stick to the application for long. In order to improve, various quality check and quality assurance measures should be predefined and performance testing should be conducted thoroughly.
Security issues: Since its a business application, it is desired to posses the highest level of security and encryption algorithm for accommodating data exchange. Business apps can be used to work upon the confidential or important information which require the assurance of security from any kind of intrusion of break-through inside the app or during data exchange.

It's also a good practice to release an application with the basic yet eye-pleasing features so that a user can engage with the application and perform his task as well. Involve a feedback system inside an app as well so that as the user gets used to with app, functionalities can be suggested according to them & included in new version. This not only keeps the freshness of the application to the highest possible level but also attract more user to opt for the app over any other application in the same category.

Author's Bio
David Frankk is the author of this article. He enjoys writing articles for iphone development companies like Q3 Technologies. Moreover, he has been providing useful content writing material related to cloud applications.
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Tags: habit, target audience, successful business, user experience, usability, spite, user interface, business application, concentration, business applications, disapproval, deployment, smart phones, developing business, mobile software development