Crisp n Crunch Cinnamon Bar Makes a Great Breakfast on the Go

By: dbwl10 | Posted: 26th October 2012

Who Has Time to Cook Breakfast?

If you're in charge of getting yourself and your children ready to go in the mornings then you know that time is a rare luxury, and some mornings you don't even have the time required to cut up a piece of fruit. When you're pressed for time in the mornings, why not try a high protein snack bar like the Crisp n Crunch Cinnamon Bar to go with your morning coffee? Unlike high carb, high calorie choices like breakfast pastries, Crisp n Crunch products include plenty of protein, so you won't feel like crawling back under the covers an hour later. What's more, it's fast: just unwrap and eat.

Busy Lives Require Convenient Weight Loss Foods

If you lead a busy life (and who doesn't?) then you need a weight loss strategy that gives you convenient choices so that you're less likely to resort to empty calories and fast food meals on the go. When you hit that mid-afternoon slump before it's time to pick up the kids from school, you're far better off having a high protein snack like a Crisp n Crunch Fudge Graham Bar and a diet soda than grabbing a bag of chips. Today's top weight loss food manufacturers understand consumer needs and are answering those needs with foods that taste great while avoiding excess fats, carbohydrates, and calories.

Minimize Temptations at the Office

Offices may be great for keeping people busy, but food temptations at the office can sabotage weight loss efforts. If it's not a co-worker's birthday (complete with cake), then it's the "traditional" Friday box of donuts in the break room. If you stay satisfied with high protein snacks and fresh fruits, you're less likely to indulge. Avoiding high-carb office temptations also helps you avoid the post-lunch "crash" that comes from eating too much sugar.

High Protein Choices Aid Weight Loss

Many people who are trying to lose weight don't get enough protein. Furthermore, high protein snacks and meals help people feel satisfied longer and keep people alert and awake. Grabbing a Crisp n Crunch Fudge Graham Bar instead of a candy bar or bag of chips minimizes calories, maximizes convenience, and provides plenty of necessary protein. The average woman needs about 46 grams of protein per day, and the average man needs about 56 grams per day. High protein choices like those made by Crisp n Crunch provide around 15 grams of protein conveniently and with great taste.

Give Yourself Healthy Options for Weight Loss Success

Denying and depriving yourself almost always leads to weight loss failure. That's why it is so important to make sure you have plenty of tasty options when you feel hungry. Fresh fruit, low fat yogurt, and high protein snack bars offer you convenience and variety, providing you with healthy eating choices that taste great and help you stick to your weight loss program. Soon you'll lose some of your taste for high fat, high sugar foods, because you'll see for yourself how much healthier you feel and how much more successful your weight loss plan is going. Don't you deserve better health and a slimmer body?

If you’re trying to lose weight, then you understand how hard it can be to resist the munchies. But those snacks can ruin a diet unless they’re nutritious and healthy. At, you’ll find an array of great weight loss snacks such as crisp n crunch cinnamon bar packages as well as crisp n crunch fudge graham bar boxes. Don’t sabotage your diet with bad snacks.
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Tags: co worker, carbohydrates, break room, diet soda, temptations, donuts, crunch, food manufacturers, empty calories, fresh fruits, morning coffee, weight loss efforts, excess fats, mid afternoon, snack bar